History of West Sound Quilters
2024: Debi Hubell, President
President: Debi Hubbell
1st Vice President: Meg Shellehberger
2nd Vice President: Donna Marrtin
Secretary: Tammera Beverage
Treasurer: Mary Kehrer
Block of the Month: Syndie Hagardt & Kathleen Matthews
Challenge Quilts 2022: Mech Watne
Challenge Quilts 2023: Simone Montfort
Community Service: Syndie Hagardt
Community Quilts: Katherine Zimmerman, Joyce Palsson, Isha Hendricks, Melissa Gregory
Door Prizes: Donna Martin
Fall Retreat : Julie Brummond & Elle Culver
Forms Bank: Kathleen Matthews
Historian: (Open)
Hospitality: (Open)
Internet Communication Coordinator: Alicia Wells
Library: Karen Richard
Logo Boutique: Meche Watne
Membership: Karen Bodeutsch & Patricia Sturgeon
Mini-Groups Liaison: (Open)
Newsletter Editor: Sarrah Rodriguez
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2022: Kathleen Matthews
Quilt Show 2023: Elle Culver
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Pat Lintho & Debi Hubbell
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Pat Lintho & Debi Hubbell
Raffle Quilt 2023: Tammera Beverage
Spring Retreat : Simone Montfort & Pat Lintho
Sunshine: Karen Richard
Community Quilts: Katherine Zimmerman & Joyce Palsson
Demo/Quilt Turning:
Door Prizes:
Equipment Delivery/Return:
Equipment Take Down:
Fat Quarter Raffle: Tammera Beverage
Featured Artist:
Membership: Karen Bodeutsch & Patricia Sturgeon
Participation Awards: Quilt Show Chairs
Quilt Receivers:
Quilt Registration:
Quilt Show 2022: Kathleen Beverage
Quilt Take Down:
Silent Auction:
Thursday Lunch:
Treasure Chest:
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
2022-3: Julie Brummond, President
President: Julie Brummond
1st Vice President: Peggy Rees/Debi Hubbell
2nd Vice President: Kaydee Strong
Secretary: Lynne Kuch
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
Block of the Month: Dixie Fox & Joan Dresser
Challenge Quilts 2022: Mech Watne
Challenge Quilts 2023: Simone Montfort
Community Service: Syndie Hagardt
Community Quilts: Katherine Zimmerman, Joyce Palsson, Isha Hendricks, Melissa Gregory
Door Prizes: Donna Martin
Fall Retreat : Julie Brummond & Elle Culver
Forms Bank: Kathleen Matthews
Historian: (Open)
Hospitality: (Open)
Internet Communication Coordinator: Alicia Wells
Library: Karen Richard
Logo Boutique: Meche Watne
Membership: Karen Bodeutsch & Patricia Sturgeon
Mini-Groups Liaison: (Open)
Newsletter Editor: Sarrah Rodriguez
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2022: Kathleen Matthews
Quilt Show 2023: Elle Culver
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Pat Lintho & Debi Hubbell
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Pat Lintho & Debi Hubbell
Raffle Quilt 2023: Tammera Beverage
Spring Retreat : Simone Montfort & Pat Lintho
Sunshine: Karen Richard
Community Quilts: Katherine Zimmerman & Joyce Palsson
Demo/Quilt Turning:
Door Prizes:
Equipment Delivery/Return:
Equipment Take Down:
Fat Quarter Raffle: Tammera Beverage
Featured Artist:
Membership: Karen Bodeutsch & Patricia Sturgeon
Participation Awards: Quilt Show Chairs
Quilt Receivers:
Quilt Registration:
Quilt Show 2022: Kathleen Beverage
Quilt Take Down:
Silent Auction:
Thursday Lunch:
Treasure Chest:
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
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2019: Kathleen Matthews, President
President: Kathleen Matthews
1st Vice President: Jackie Furuheim
2nd Vice President: Barbie Mundt
Secretary: Julie Brummond
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Block of the Month: (Open)
Challenge Quilts 2019: Julie Brummond, Peggy Rees, & Thelma Moyer
Community Quilts: Jackie Williams & Sandra Nagli
Door Prizes: (Open)
Emergency Contact Tree: (Open)
Fall Retreat 2019: Julie Brummond & Elle Culver
Forms Bank: Jackie Furuheim
Hospitality: (Open)
Library: Gloriajean Church
Logo Boutique: (Open)
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Mini-Groups Liaison: Angela Ferdico
Newsletter Editor: Kathleen Littfin
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2019: Pat Lintho & Tammera Beverage
Raffle Quilt 2020: Meg Shellenberger, Isha Hendricks, & Tammera Beverage
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Meg Shellenberger
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Dixie Fox
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Meg Shellenberger
Spring Retreat 2019: Simone Montfort & Joyce Lorenzen
Sunshine: Joan Faye
Website: Trish Harrison & Alicia Wells
Awards/Judging: Susan Baker
Café: Karen Bodeutsch & Kathleen Matthews
Community Quilts: Jackie Williams & Sandra Negli
Decorating: Tammera Beverage
Demo/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Julie Brummond
Equipment Delivery/Return: Rick & Donna Martin
Equipment Take Down: (Need Voluntters)
Fat Quarter Raffle: Virginia Stranberg
Featured Artist: Trish Harrison
Hanging/Layout: Kathleen Littfin
Lobby: Victoria Lafser
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Participation Awards: Quilt Show Chairs
Program/Advertising: Alicia Wells & Debi Hubbell
Publicity: Meg Shellenberger
Quilt Receivers: Frances Frender
Quilt Registration: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2019: Pat Lintho & Tammera Beverage
Quilt Take Down: (Need Volunteers)
Security: Mary McAlhany
Silent Auction: Jackie Heckathorn
Thursday Lunch: Karen Bodeutsch
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Vendors: Gloriajean Church & Debbie Hubbell
Volunteers: Patricia Sturgeon
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2018: Elle Culver, President
President: Elle Culver
1st Vice President: Isha Hendricks
2nd Vice President: Donna Martin
Secretary: Julie Brummond
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
Block of the Month: Kathy Wenzlick
Challenge Quilts 2018: Jackie Heckathorn & Gloriajean Church
Community Service: Joyce Palsson, Jackie Williams, & Sandra Nagli
Community Service Coordinator: Jackie Furuheim
Door Prizes: Karen Bodeutsch
Emergency Contact Tree: Kathy Haner
Fall Retreat 2018: Sandy VandePutte, Irene Hudspeth, & Julie Brummond
Forms Bank: Jackie Furuheim
Hospitality: (Open)
Library: Gloriajean Church
Logo Boutique: Connie Kessler
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Mini-Groups Liaison: Angela Ferdico
Newspaper Editor: Kathleen Littfin
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2018: Pat Lintho, Frances Fredder, & Debi Hubble
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Virginia Stranberg
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Quilt 2019 Construction: Community Quilts Team
Spring Retreat 2018: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Sunshine: Joan Faye
Tipster: Tammera Wipple
Website: Alicia Wells & Trish Harrison
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt & Kathleen Matthews
Auction Blocks: Meg Shellenberger
Awards/Judging: Susan Baker
Café: Karen Boduetsch & Kathleen Matthews
Community Quilts: Joyce Palsson, Sandra Nagli, Jackie Williams, & Nicole Mather
Decorations: Gloriajean Church
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Idena Downey
Equipment Delivery/Take Down/Return: Rick & Donna Martin
Fat Quarter Raffle: Kaydee Strong
Featured Artist: Susan Hondros
Hanging/Layout: Debi Hubbell & Kathleen Littfin
Lobby: Pat Lintho
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Program: Alicia Wells
Publicity: Monika Adams
Quilt Receivers: Angela Dodge
Quilt Registration: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2018: Pat Lintho, Frances Fredder, & Debi Hubble
Security: Mary McAlhany
Thursday Lunch: Karen Boduetsch
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim
Treasurer: Tamera Beverage
Venders: Lynne Kuch
Volunteers: Elle Culver & Julie Brummond
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2017: Elle Culver, President
President: Elle Culver
1st Vice President: Paulette Stream
2nd Vice President: Donna Martin
Secretary: Berta Stone
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
Angels: Barb Bolson
Block of the Month: Rose Andrade
Challenge Quilt 2017: Frances Fredder, Pat Lintho, & Debi Hubble
Community Quilts: Nicole Mathers, Alyce Abrams, Joyce Palsson, & Jackie Williams
Library: Gloriajean Church
Logo Boutique: Monica Adams
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Mini-Groups: Kathleen Littfin
Newsletter Editor: Barb Porter
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2017: Pat Lintho, Frances Fredder, & Debi Hubble
Raffle Quilt Construction 2017: Hoop-Dee-Doos
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Virginia Stranberg
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Lynne Kuche
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Sunshine: Barb Bolson & Diana Holmlund
Tipster: Tammera Beverage
Website: Alicia Wells, Trish Harrison, & Jackie Furuheim
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt & Kathleen Matthews
Auction Blocks: Jackie Heckathorn
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Café: Rita Jackson, Sherry McGee, & Donna Darrell
Community Quilts: Joyce Palsson, Jackie Williams, & Nicole Mather
Decorations: Gloriajean Church
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Victoria Lafser
Equipment Delivery/Take Down/Return: Donna Martin
Fat Quarter Raffle: Kaydee Strong, Susy Price, & Linda Martin
Featured Artist: Simone Montfort
Hanging/Layout: Debi Hubbell, Meg Shellenberger, & Kathleen Littfin
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Membership: Barbie Mundt & Joyce Lorenzen
Program: Alicia Wells
Program Ads: Irene Hudspeth
Publicity: Monika Adams
Quilt Receivers: Frances Frender
Quilt Registration: Rose Andrade & Trish Harrison
Quilt Show 2017: Pat Lintho, Frances Fredder, & Debi Hubble
Quilt Take Down: Karen Bodeutsch
Security: Mary McAlhany
Thursday Lunch: Rita Jackson, Sherry McGee, & Donna Darrell
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim
Treasurer: Tamera Beverage
Venders: Elle Culver & Paulette Stream
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2016: Barb Bolson, President
President: Barb Bolson
1st Vice President: Elle Culver
2nd Vice President: Rita Jackson
Secretary: Kathleen Matthews
Treasurer: Wava Wright
Block of the Month: Kathleen Littfin
Community Service: Irene Hudspeth & Nan Pickett
Library: Kathleen Matthews
Logo Boutique: Mary McAlhany
Membership: Robin Butler
Mini-Groups Liaison: Kat Garner & Kathy Cathcart
Newsletter Editor: Barb Porter
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Quilt Show 2016: Jackie Furuheim, Dorothy Lindquist, & Meg Shellenberger
Raffle Quilt 2017: Elaine Rendel
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Jackie Furuheim & Monika Geiger
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelly Harbottle
Sunshine: Diana Holmlund
Website: Jackie Furuheim, Trish Harrison, & Alicia Wells
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Cafe: Rita Jackson, Sherry McGree, & Irene Hudspeth
Community Quilts: Nan Pickett & Iren Hudspeth
Decorations: Gloriajean Church
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Victoria Lefser
Equipment Delivery/Return: Meg Shellenberger
Fat Quarter Raffle: Meg Shellenberger
Featured Artist: Kathleen Littfin
Hanging/Layout: Sharon Hill
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Membership: Robin Butler
Program: Alicia Wells
Program Ads: Irene Hudspeth
Publicity: Michele Ogeltree, Kathy Haner, Monika Adams, Dorothy Lindquist, & Jackie Furuheim
Quilt Receivers: Sandra Grace
Quilt Registration: Trish Harrison
Quilt Show 2016: Jackie Furuheim, Dorothy Lindquist, & Meg Shellenberger
Quilt Take Down: Karen Bodeutsch
Security: Mary McAlhany
Silent Auction: Jackie Keckathorn
Thursday Lunch: Rita Jackson, Sherry McGee, & Donna darrel
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim & Joyce Lorenzen
Treasurer: Wava Wright
Venders: Kathleen Matthews & Syndie Hagardt
Volunteers: Simone Montfort & Shelly Harbottle
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2015: Barb Bolson, President
President: Barb Bolson
1st Vice President: Elle Culver
2nd Vice President: Rita Jackson
Secretary: Karen Bodeutsch & Syndie Hagardt
Treasurer: Wava Wright
Block of the Month: Kathleen Matthews
Challenge Quilt 2015: Sandy VanDePutte, Donna Haggard, & Mari Woody
Community Service: Irene Hudspeth & Nan Pickett
Community Service Coordinator: Jackie Furuheim
Emergency Contact tree: Lillian Schauer
Form Bank: Lillian Schauer
Historian: Kaydee Strong
Hospitality: Lynne Kuch
Library: Kathleen Matthews
Logo Boutique: Mary McAlhany
Membership: Berta Stone
Mini-Groups Liaison: Dorothy Lindquist
Newsletter Editor: Alicia Wells
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2015: Lynne Kuch & Idena Downey
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Jackie Furuheim & Monika Geiger
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Quilt 2015: Becky Evans & Dixie Kliewer
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
Tipster: (Open)
Website: Trish Harrison, Jackie Furuheim, Dorothy Lindquist, & Alicia Wells
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt
Advertising: Irene Hudspeth
Auction Blocks: Lauran Myers
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Café: Karen Bodeutsch & Donna Martin
Decorating: Frances Frender
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Victoria Lafser
Equipment Delivery/Return: Rita Jackson & Meg Shellenberger
Fat Quarter Raffle: Rita Jackson & Donna Darrell
Featured Artist: Donna Haggard
Hanging/Layout: Berta Stone
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Program: Alicia Wells
Publicity: Monika Geiger & Michele Ogletree
Quilt Receivers: Diana Hubert & Carolyn Bezona
Quilt Registration: Trish Harrison
Quilt Show 2015: Lynne Kuch & Idena Downey
Take Down: Joyce Lorenzen
Thursday Lunch: Karen Bodeutsch & Donna Martin
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim & Sandra Grace
Treasurer: Wava Wright
Vendors: Genean Janaszak & Dixie Fox
Volunteers: Simone Montfort & Shelly Harbottle
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2014: Meg Shellenberger, President
President: Meg Shellenberger
1st Vice President: Simone Montfort
2nd Vice President: Wava Wright
Secretary: Karen Bodeutsch & Syndie Hagardt
Treasurer: Jackie Furuheim
Angels: Syndie Hagardt
Block of the Month: Kathleen Matthews
Challenge Quilts 2015: Sandy VanDePutte
Community Service: Irene Hudspeth & Nan Pickett
Community Service Coordinator: Jackie Furuheim
Emergency Contact Tree: Lillian Schauer
Form Bank: Lillian Schauer
Historian: (Open)
Hospitality: Lynne Kuch
Library: Kathleen Matthews
Logo Boutique: Mary McAlhany
Membership: Berta Stone
Mini-Groups Liaison: Dorothy Lindquist
Newsletter Editor: Alicia Wells
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2014: Lynne Kuch & Idena Downey
Raffle Quilt 2015: Becky Olson Evans & Dixie Kliewer
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Ticket Sales: Jackie Furuheim & Monika Geiger
Raffle Quilt 2015: Becky Evans & Dixie Kliewer
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
Tipster: Sandy VanDePutte
Website: Trish Harrison, Jackie Furuheim, Dorothy Lindquist, & Alicia Wells
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt
Advertising: Nicky North
Auction Blocks: Lauran Myers
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Café: Karen Bodeutsch & Donna Martin
Decorating: Frances Frender
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Victoria Lafser & Sandy Schmidt
Equipment Delivery/Return: Wava Wright
Featured Artist: Becky Olson Evans
Hanging/Layout: Berta Stone & Sandy Schmidt
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Program: Alicia Wells
Publicity: Monika Adams & Betty Busek
Quilt Receivers: Diane Hubert & Carolyn Bezona
Quilt Registration: Trish Harrison
Quilt Show 2014: Lynne Kuch & Idena Downey
Take Down: Joyce Lorenzen
Thursday Lunch: Gen Carnahan & Rita Jackson
Treasure Chest: Sandra Grace
Vendors: Anita Bernhard
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2013: Meg Shellenberger, President
Presidents: Meg Shellenberger
1st Vice President: Simone Montfort
2nd Vice President: Janice Haines
Secretary: Trish Harrison
Treasurer: Jackie Furuheim
Challenge Quilt 2014: Joyce Lorenzen
Community Service: Irene Hudspeth & Dixie Kliewer
Community Service Coordinator: Jackie Furuheim
Emergency Contact Tree: Lillian Schauer
Forms Bank: Lillian Schauer
Historian: Donna Martin
Hospitality: Karen Bodeutsch
Library: Nicky North
Membership: Sandy Schmidt & Lynne Kuch
Mini-Groups Liaison: Dorothy Lindquist
Newsletter Editor: Alicia Wells
Newsletter Mailings: Sharon Demianiw
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Dixie Kliewer & Georgia Ovestrud
Quilt Show 2013: Marilyn Hepner & Nan Pickett
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Stash Builders: Elizabeth Richmond & Virginia Stranberg
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
T-Shirt Sales: Mary McAlhany
Tipster: Sara McDaniel
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Riedel
Advertising: Nicky North
Auction Blocks: Lauran Myers
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud & Tammie Cochran
Café: Meg Shellenberger & Donna Martin
Decorating: Frances Frender
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Berta Stone, Victoria Lafser & Sandy Schmidt
Equipment Delivery/Return: Kathy Weiser & Jackie Furuheim
Featured Artist: Rita Jackson
Hanging/Layout: Berta Stone & Sandy Schmidt
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Program: Alicia Wells
Publicity: Monika Geiger & Irene Hudspeth
Quilt Receivers: Diane Hubert & Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Trish Harrison & Carolyn Fessler
Quilt Show 2013: Marilyn Hepner & Nan Pickett
Take Down: Joyce Lorenzen
Thursday Lunch: Gen Carnahan & Rita Jackson
Treasure Chest: Anita Bernhard
Vendors: Tamara Whipple
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2012: Heidi Bjorgen & Rondy Voorhees, Presidents
President: Heidi Bjorgen & Rondy Voorhees
1st Vice President: Lynne Kuch
2nd Vice President: Cathy Fischer
Secretary: Trish Harrison
Treasurer: Annie Jarrett & Jackie Furuheim
Challenge Quilt 2013: (Open)
Emergency Contact Tree: Lillian Schauer
Historian: Donna Martin
Library: Wendy Dudley
Membership: Sandy Schmitz & Lynne Kuch
Mini-Groups Liaison: Nicky North
Newsletter Editor: Sara McDaniel
Newsletter Mailings: Meg Shellenberger
Photographer: Donna Martin
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Sandra Nagli & Rodie Burd
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Alyce Abrams & Joyce Palsson
Quilt Show 2012: No Quilt Show
Sewing Tips: Thelma Moyer
Spring Retreat: Simone Montford & Shelley Harbottle
Stash Builder: Elizabeth Richmond
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
T-Shirt Sales: Sandy VanDePutte
Tipster: Thelma Moyer
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Riedel
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2011: Irene Hudspeth, President
President: Irene Hudspeth
1st Vice President: Pat Bromm
2nd Vice President: Cathy Fischer
Secretary: Katie Knoelke
Treasurer: Annie Jarrett
Block of the Month: Sara McDaniel & Rita Jackson
Challenge Team 2011: Diane DeMulling, Sharon Floyd, Syndie Hagardt, & Lillian Schauer
Challenge Quilt 2012: Alyce Abrams, Joyce Palsson, & Mary Jo Whalen
Community Service: Meg Shellenberger & Dixie Kliewer
Emergency Contact Tree: Lynn Hills
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Historian: Donna Martin
Hospitality: Alyce Abrams & Dixie Fox
Library: Monika Geiger
Membership: Lillian Schauer
Mini-Group Liaison: (Open)
Newsletter Editor: Sara McDaniel
Newsletter Mailings: Sharon Demianiw
Photographer: Donna Martin & Syndie Hagardt
Programs: Pat Bromm
Quilt Show 2011: Linda Morton & Anita Bernhard
Storage Lockers: Cathy Fischer
Raffle Quilt 2012: Crazy Quilters Mini-Group
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Rondy Voorhees & Rodie Burd
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Lynne Kuch & Betty Busek
Sound Tips: Thelma Moyer
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Stash Builder: Elizabeth Richmond
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
T-Shirt Sales: Sandy VanDePutte
Website: Carolyl Fessler
Winter Retreats: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Riedel
Advertising: Thelma Moyer
Awards/Judging: Sharon Floyd
Cafe: Elizabeth Richmond
Challenge: In Stitches Mini-Group
Decorating: Chris Bergeron
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Kathy Haner & Barbara Hahn
Equipment Delivery/Return: Anita Bernhard
Featured Artists: Rondy Voorhees & Sandy Schmidt
Hanging/Layout: Marilyn Hepner & Debbie Baccetti
Program: Sara McDaniel
Publicity: Katie Knoelke
Quilt Receivers: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2011: Linda Morton & Anita Bernhard
Quilt Takedown: Alice Abrams
Raffle Site Tickets: Rodie Burd & Rondy Voorhees
Treasure Chest: Ruth Dudley & Bev Unruh
Vendors: Idena Downey
Volunteer: Rodie Burd
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2010: Rodie Burd, President
President: Rodie Burd
1st Vice President: Irene Hudspeth
2nd Vice President: Andrea Cole
Secretary: Marscha Irving
Treasurer: Lynn Hills
Block of the Month: Rita Jackson & Donna Darrell
Community Block: Dora Trotter
Community Service: Syndie Hagardt
Emergency Contact tree: Lynne Hills
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Historian: Donna Martin
Hospitality: Birthday Group of the Month
Library: Andrea Cole
Membership: Bev Unruh & Kathy Haner
Mini-Group Liaison: Meg Shellenberger
Newsletter Editor: Syndie Hagardt
Newsletter Mailings: Sharon Demianiw
Photographer: Donna Martin
Programs: Robin Butler
Quilt Show 2010: Laurel and Thelma Moyer
Raffle Quilt 2010: Applique Bells
Raffle Quilt 2011: Canal Country Quilters
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Lynne Kuch & Betty Busek
Sound Tips: Thelma Moyer
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
T-Shirt Sales: Sandy VanDePutte
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Reidel
Advertising: Marscha Irving
Awards/Judging: Sharon Floyd
Bookmarks & Flyers: Monika Geiger
Café: Karen Rossiter & Dora Trotter
Challenge 2010: Joyce Lorenzen
Decorating: Frances Frender
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Kathy Haner & Barbara Hahn
Equipment Delivery/Return: Nan Pickett
Featured Artist: Lois Henson, Dora Trotter, Frances Frender, Simone Montfort, Bev Unruh, & Neva Lamb
Lobby: Nancy Behrendt
Program: Sara McDaniel
Publicity: Monika Geiger
Quilt Hanging/Layout: Marilyn Hepner, Debbie Baccetti
Quilt Receivers: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Take Down: Lynn Hume
Quilt Show 2010: Laurel and Thelma Moyer
Raffle Tickets: Lynne Kuch
Treasure Chest: Ruth Dudley
Vendors: Idena Downey
Volunteer: Meg Shellenberger
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2009: Becky Olson Evans, President
President: Becky Olson Evans
1st Vice President: Robin Butler
2nd Vice President: Lauran Myers
Secretary: Marscha Irving
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Block of the Month: Rita Jackson & Donna Darrell
Challenge Quilt: Sandy VanDePutte & Donna Haggard
Community Block: Dora Trotter
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Emergency Contact Tree: Marscha Irving
Historian: Donna Martin
Hospitality: Birthday Groups of the Month
Membership: Bev Unruh
Mini-Group Liaison: Meg Shellenberger
Newsletter Editor: Judie Scholes
Newsletter Mailings: Sharon Demianiw
Photographer: Donna Martin
Quilt Show 2009: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Raffle Quilt 2010: Applique Bells
Raffle Quilt 2011: Canal Country Quilters
Raffle Site Sales: Alyce Abrams & Joyce Palsson
Sound Tips: Thelma Moyer
Spring Retreat: Joyce Lorenzen & Meg Shellenberger
Sunshine: Marsha Irving
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Reidel
Advertising: Marscha Irving
Awards/Judging: Sharon Floyd
Café: Ann Waaga, Nancy Williams, & Diana Nut
Challenge Quilt: Sandy VanDePutte & Donna Haggard
Community Blocks: Dora Trotter
Decorating: Thelma Moyer & Frances Frender
Demo: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Virginia Stranberg
Equipment Delivery/Return: Nan Pickett & Lauran Myers
Featured Artist: Delaine Gately
Hanging/Layout: Debbie Beccetti & Pat Lintho
Lobby: Ruth Dudley & Laurel Moyer
Program: Sara McDaniel
Publicity: Monika Geiger
Quilt Receivers: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2009: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Takedown Coordinator: Lynn Hume
Raffle Site Sales: Alyce Abrams
Raffle Ticket Sales: Lynn Kuch
Thursday Lunch: Helen Chamberlin & Barbara Peterson
Treasure Chest: Debbie Baccetti & Joyce Blair
Vendors: Lynne Kuch & Betty Busek
Volunteer: Meg Shellenberger
Wearable Art: Katie Knoelke
Wool Items: Joyce Figueroade Rasckle
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2008: Katie Knoelke, President
President: Katie Knoelke
1st Vice President: Joyce Lorenzen
2nd Vice President: Meg Shellenberger
Secretary: Georgia Ovestrud
Treasurer: Dixie Kliewer
Block of the Month: (Open)
Community Quilts: Dora Trotter
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Historian: (Open)
Hobbs UPC Labels: Virginia Stranberg
Hospitality: (Birthday Groups of the Month)
Membership: Karen Rossiter
Mini-Groups Liaison: Sharon Floyd & Ginny Hoffman
Newsletter Editor: Judie Scholes
Photographer: (Open)
Quilt Show 2008: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Katie Knoelke & Nan Pickett
T-Shirt Sales: Sandy VanDePutte & Donna Haggard
Sound Tips: Tamara Whipple
Spring Retreat: Joyce Lorenzen & Meg Shellenberger
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Reidel
Community Quilts: Virginia Stranberg
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Demo: Bernie Oehrling
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Featured Artist: Pat Rosenthal
Quilt Receivers: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2008: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Silent Auction: Katie Knoelke
Treasure Chest: Nancy Lee
Volunteer: Mag Shellenberger
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2007: Katie Knoelke, President
President: Katie Knoelke
1st Vice President: Joyce Lorenzen
2nd Vice President: Meg Shellenberger
Secretary: Georgia Ovestrud
Treasurer: Dixie Kliewer
Block of the Month: Dora Trotter
By-Laws and Standing Rules: Lillian Schauer
Community Block: Virginia Stranberg
Door Prizes: Trulie Reed
Historian: Linda Sloan
Hobbs UPC Labels: Virginia Stranberg
Hospitality: Dorothy Lindquist
Membership: Karen Rossiter
Mini-Groups Liaison: Syndie Hagardt & Ginny Hoffman
Newsletter Editor: Judie Scholes
Quilt Show 2007: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Raffle Quilt 2008: Nancy Wilson
Raffle Quilt 2009: Janet Larson & Becky Evans
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Katie Knoelke & Nan Pickett
Sound Tips: Jennifer Pielow
Spring Retreat: Sondra Grace
Sunshine: (Open)
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Reidel
Advertising: Lynne Kuch
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud, Nan Pickett, & Jennifer Pielow
Café: Sharon Floyd & Ginny Hoffman
Cafe Pies: Syndie Hagardt
Community Blocks: Virginia Stranberg & Dora Trotter
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Sue Brown
Equipment Delivery/Return: Heather Holm
Featured Artist: Sandy VanDePutte
Flyers/Publicity: Susan Harmon
Thursday Food: Lady of the Lake
Hanging/Layout: Bev Unruh
Lobby: Linda Dohrer & Deby Lou Elverston
Program: Sara McDaniel
Quilt Receivers Coordinator: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2007: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Quilt Show Take Down: Lynne Hume & Mary Bradshaw
Raffle Quilt Sales: Meg Shellenberger & Katie Knoelke
Vendors: Lynne Kuch & Betty Busek
Volunteer Coordinator: Meg Shellenberger
Wearable Art: Frances Frender
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2006: Becky Olson Evans, President
1st Vice President: Joyce Lorenzen
2nd Vice President: Meg Shellenberger
Secretary: Linda Dohrer
Treasurer: Linda Morton
Community Build A Block: Virginia Stanberg
Quilt Show 2006: Becky Evans Olson & Idena Downey
Advertising: Lynne Kuch
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Café: Sandra Grace
Community Blocks: Virginia Stranberg
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Sue Brown & Jean Baughman
Equipment Delivery/Return: Heather Holm
Featured Artist: Carol Arnold
Flyers/Publicity: Betty Busek
Thursday Food: Ladies of the Lake
Hanging/Layout: Bev Unruh
Lobby: Linda Dohrer & DebbyLou Elverston
Program: Sara McDaniel
Quilt Receivers Coordinator: Meg Shellenberger
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2006: Becky Evans Olson & Idena Downey
Quilt Show Take Down: Rodie Burd
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Kathy Darling
Ribbons: Jennifer Pielow
Special Displays: Becky Evans, Joyce Lorenzen, Lynn Hume, & Idena Downey
Vendors: Lynne Kuch
Volunteer Staffing: Dorothy Lindquist
Wearable Art: Frances Frender
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2005: Genevieve Carnahan, President
President: Genevieve Carnahan
1st Vice President: Sue Brown
2nd Vice President: Anita Bernhard
Secretary: Georgia Ovestrud
Treasurer: Laurel Moyer
Block of the Month: Dora Trotter
Challenge Quilt: Thelma Moyer
Community Block: Virginia Stranberg
Community Service Coordinator: Dora Trotter
Library: Anita Bernhard
Linus Project: Kathy Darling
Membership: Lynne Kuch
Mini-Group Liaison: Dorothy Lindquist & Shirley Layton
Newsletter Editor: Becky Olson Evans
Quilt Show 2005: Candace Alvarez
Quilts of Valor: Rita Jackson
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Thelma Moyer
Sound Tips: Polly Keith
Spring Retreat: Sandra Grace
T-Shirts Sales: Sandy VanDePutte & Donna Haggard
Sunshine: Ruth Reilly
Winter Retreat: Cheryl Reidel
Advertising: Lynne Kuch
Awards/Judging: Heather Holm & Barbara Allen
Café: Elizabeth Richmond
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling
Featured Artist: Peter Gaunce
Flyers/Signs: Sara McDaniel
Quilt Show 2005: Candace Alvarez
Quilt Show Registration: Linda Morton
Treasurer Chest: Susan Shroyer
Volunteer Coordinator: Lisa Trout
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2004: Genevieve Carnahan, President
President: Genevieve Carnahan
1st Vice President: Sue Brown
2nd Vice President: Anita Bernhard
Secretary: Georgia Ovestrud
Treasurer: Lisa Trout
Community Block: Virginia Stranberg
Membership: Kim Stotsenberg
Mini-Group Liaison: Willa Lovett
Newsletter Editor: Becky Evans
Quilt Show 2004: Candace Alvarez & Elizabeth Richmond
Sunshine: Ruth Reilly
Awards/Judging: Sandy VanDePutte
Bake Sale: Karen Minard
Café: Anita Bernhard & Nancy Lefcoski
Community Blocks: Virginia Stranberg & Cathy Rogerson
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Jerry Kieta & Bernie Oehrling
Door Prizes: Jean Baughman & Sue Brown
Entertainment: Dora Trotter
Equipment Delivery: Loree Hippe
Featured Artist: Wava Wright
Flyers: Elizabeth Richmond
Hanging/Layout: Charol Riedel
Lobby: Linda Dohrer, Elsa Walsh, & DebbyLou Everston
Program Advertising: Lynne Kuch
Program: Carolyn Fessler
Publicity: Betty Busek & Piecing Pals
Quilt Receivers: Jennifer Alonzo
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2004: Candace Alvarez & Elizabeth Richmond
Quilt Show Take Down: Rodie Burd
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Georgia Ovestrud
Thursday Food: Gen Carnahan & Lily Meyer
Vendors: Lynne Kuch
Volunteer Staffing: Becky Olson Evans
Wearable Art: Frances Frender
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2003: Carole Taber, President
President: Carole Taber
1st Vice President: Dorothy Lindquist
2nd Vice President: Linda Morton
Secretary: Kathy Haner
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Membership: Kim Stotsenberg
Mini-Group Liaison: Suzanne Harvey
Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Alonzo
Sunshine: Ruth Reilley
Quilt Show 2003: Becky Evans
Advertising: LaDauna Wilson
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud & Pat Coleman
Bake Sale: Karen Minard
Café: Anita Bernhard, Joyce Larson, & Elizabeth Richmond
Community Blocks: Virginia Stranberg & Lois Joy
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Jean Baughman & Sue Brown
Equipment Delivery/Return: Nan Pickett
Featured Artist: Polly Keith
Flyers: Jennifer Alonzo
Thursday Food: Gen Carnahan & Lily Meyer
Hanging/Layout: Kim Stotsenberg
Lobby: DebbyLou Elverston, Linda Dohrer, & Elsa Walsh
Raffle Quilt: Vivian Jensen & Dixie Kliewer
Program: Carolyn Fessler
Publicity: Jennifer Pielow & Becky Olson Evans
Quilt Drop-Offs: Dorothy Lindquist
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2003: Becky Olson Evans
Volunteer Staffing: Idena Downey
Vendors: Jacque Noard
Wearable Art: Frances Frender
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2002: Carole Taber, President
President: Carole Taber
1st Vice President: Dorothy Lindquist
2nd Vice President: Linda Morton
Secretary: Kathy Haner
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Block of the Month: Elizabeth Richmond
Challenge Quilt: Marty Jackel
Charity: Roxann Ebarb
Database: Becky Evans
Education: Mary Gurtler
Featured Artist: Joyce Lorenzen
Historian: Sandy Schmidt
Hospitality: Carole Taber
Library: Kim Stotsenberg
Locker: Kim Stotsenberg
Membership: Georgia Ovestrud
Mini Block of the Month: Marilyn Grayson
Mini-Groups Liaison: Carol Sankovich & Dixie Kliewer
Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Alonso
Newsletter Mailing: Gloria Mitchell
Publicity: Joyce Lorenzen
Quilt Show 2002: Dora Trotter
Raffle Quilt 2002: Roxann Ebarb
Raffle Tickets: Karen Horvath
Refreshments: Roxann Ebarb
Secret Pals: Virginia Stranberg
Site Sales: Pat Davidson
Spring Retreat: Candace Alvarez, Charol Riedel, & Elizabeth Richmond
Sunshine: Ruth Reilly
T-Shirts Sales: Janey Aiken
Winter Retreat: Sandra Grace
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2001: Tone' Bowers, President
President: Toni Bowers
1st Vice President: Mary Gurtler
2nd Vice President: Kim Stotsenberg
Secretary: Joyce Larson
Treasurer: Rodie Burd
Angels: Carolyn Fessler
Library: Elizabeth Richmond
Mini Groups Liaison: Carol Sankovich & Dixie Kliewer
Newsletter Editor: Carole Taber
Quilt Show 2001: Dora Trotter & Sandy VanDePutte
Raffle Quilt 2002 Construction: Roxann Ebarb
T-Shirts Sales: Janey Aiken
Award Ribbons: Fabric Fans Mini-Groups
Charity Blocks: Pat Sternberg
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Jerry Kieta & Bernie Oehrling
Dolls/Animals: Judy Berendsen
Door Prizes: Carole Sankovitch
Featured Artist: Thelma Moyer
Hanging/Layout: Kim Stotsenberg
Hoffman Challenge: Jerry Kieta
Host/Hostess: Dorothy Lindquist
Lobby: Elsa Walsh & Marge McFarlin
Membership: Betty Adams
Program Advertising: Pat Davidson
Program Design: Carolyn Fessler
Program Printing: Elizabeth Richmond
Publicity - Flyers: Virginia Stranberg
Publicity - Newspapers: Pat Davidson
Quilt Registration: Vi Muzinich & Beck Harris
Quilt Show 2001: Dora Trotter & Sandy VanDePutte
Quilt Stand Pickup & Deliver: Pete Gaunce
Quilt Stand Setup: Dorothy Lindquist
Refreshments: Elizabeth Richmond & Nancy Lefcoski
Sheets/Laundry: Kim Stotsenberg
Treasure Chest: Georgia Ovestrud & Barbara Allen
Vendors: Nan Pickett
Wearable Art: Ann Long
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2000: CANDACE ALVAREZ, President
President: Candance Alvarez
1st Vice President: Sandra Grace
2nd Vice President: Elizabeth Richmond
Secretary: Carol Voss
Treasurer: Heather Holm
Block of the Month: Candace Alvarez
Challenge Quilt 2000: Joyce Lorezen & Marilyn Grayson
Charity Liaison: Ione Whitney
Charity Quilts: Dorothy Lindquist
Historian: (Unknown)
Hospitality: Mary Gurtler
Library: Elizabeth Richmond
Membership: Bernie Oehrling
New Member Packets: Ginny Hoffman
Mini-Groups Liaison: Sharon Larson
Newsletter Editor: Syndie Hagardt
Newsletter Mailing: Gloria Mitchell
Photographer: (Unknown)
Publicity: Sandra Grace
Quilt Show 2000: Dorothy Lindquist & Dora Trotter
Raffle Quilt 2001 Construction: Dixie Kliewer
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Unknown)
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Mary Gurtler
Refreshments: Roxann Ebarb
Secret Pals: Heather Holm
Spring Retreat: Heather Holm
Sunshine: Ruth Reilly
T-Shirt Sales: Kaye Frances
Award Ribbons: Joyce Lorenzen & Mary Gurtler
Ballots: Wava Wright
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Anne Newton & Rodie Burd
Dolls: Shirley Hendrickson & Judy Berendsen
Door Prizes: Carole Sankovich
Featured Artist: Dixie Kliewer
Hanging/Layout: Kim Stotensenberg, Sandra Hadley, & Dora Trotter
Hoffman Challenge Sponsor: Christina Phelps
Hoffman Quilts Hanging/Takedown: Mary Gurtler & Janey Aiken
Hostess: Pat Coleman
Lobby: Ruth Reilley
Program Design: Kaye Francis
Program Advertising Sales: Charol Riedel
Program Typeset/Printing: Elizabeth Richmond
Publicity Chairperson: Teri Emmons
Publicity-Flyers/Design: Virginia Stranberg & Elizabeth Richmond
Publicity-Mailing Labels: Virginia Stanberg
Publicity-Magazines: Lois Henson
Publicity-Newspaper: Teri Emmons
Publicity-Quilt Shops/Guilds: Dotti Goodwin
Quilt Description Labels: Vi Muzinich
Quilt Registration: Vi Muzinich
Quilt Show 2000: Dorothy Lindquist & Dora Trotter
Quilt Show Hanging Signs: Joyce Lorenzen
Quilt Show Indoor Sign: Debbie Baccetti
Quilt Show Logo Design: Thelma Moyer
Quilt Show Signs - Outdoor: Mimi Urrutia
Quilt Stand Pick-Up & Delivery: Raynor Perry & Pete Gaunce
Quilt Stand Set-Up: Dora Trotter
Refreshments/Kitchen: Elizabeth Richmond & Syndie Hagardt
Sheets for Quilt Stands: Roxanne Ebarb & Pieceful Patchers Mini-Group
Takedown Process: Charol Riedel
Theme Booth: Letha Goar
Treasurer: Evie Swope & Lois Henson
Vendors: Nan Pickett
Vendor Badges: Debbie Baccetti
Wearable Art: Carol Voss & Vilma Louie
WSQ Charity Quilt: Ione Whitney
WSQ Membership Table: Joyce Lorenzen & Sharon Sherwood
WSQ Raffle Quilt: Mary Gurtler
WSQ Treasure Chest: Barbara Allen
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1999: Candace Alvarez, President
President: Candace Alvarez
1st Vice President: Sandra Grace
2nd Vice President: Elizabeth Richmond
Secretary: Carol Voss
Treasurer: Heather Holm
April Retreat: Heather Holm & Sandra Grace
Block of the Month: Mimi Urritia
Charity Liaison: Ione Whitney
Education/Programs: Charol Riedel
Historian: Dana Masera
Hospitality: Ginny Hoffman
Library: Syndie Hagardt & Evie Swope
Locker: Syndie Hagardt
Membership: Candace Alvarez
Mini-Group Liaison: Sharon Larson
Newsletter Editor: Terri Emmons
Newsletter Mailing: Lois Henson
Phone Tree: Heather Holm
Photographer: Dana Masera
Quilt Show 1999: Jane Moxey
Raffle Quilt 1998 Construction: Sandra Grace
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Barbara Allen & Anne Newton
Refreshments: Janey Aiken
Sunshine: Peggy Berg
Ballots: Wava Wright
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Featured Artist: Karen Masters
Hanging/Layout Plan: Sandra Hadley & Bernie Oehrling
Hoffman Challenge: Christina Phelps of Christina's Heritage
Hoffman Quilts - Hanging/Take Down: Mary Gurtler & Lolly Sipes
Membership: Peggy Berg
Publicity: Dorothy Lindquist
Quilt Description Signs: Katheryn Francis & Rhona Wallace
Quilt Show 1998: Jane Moxey
Quilt Show Logo Design: Thelma Moyer
Quilt Registration: Joyce Lorenzen & Jerry Kieta
Treasure Chest: Pat Coleman & Barbara Allen
Vendors: Anita Owens
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1998: Joyce Lorenzen, President
President: Joyce Lorenzen
1st Vice President: Charol Reidel
2nd Vice President: Syndie Hagardt
Secretary: Gayle Larson
Treasurer: Polly Keith
Block of the Month: Mimi Urritia
Charity Liaison: Ione Whitney
Education/Programs: Charol Reidel
Historian/Photographer: Dana Masera
Hospitality: Ginny Hoffman
Library: Syndie Hagardt & Evie Swope
Locker: Syndie Hagardt
Membership: Candace Alvarez
Mini-Group Liaison: Sharon Larson
Newsletter Editor: Teri Emmons
Newsletter Mailings: Lois Henson
Phone Tree: Heather Holm
Publicity: Heather Holm
Quilt Show 1998: Jane Moxey
Raffle Quilt 1998 Construction: Sandra Grace
Raffle Quilt 1999 Construction: Pattie Burnette & Peggy Walther
Raffle Quilt Tickets: Barbara Allen & Anne Newton
Refreshments: Janey Aiken
Spring Retreat: Heather Holm & Sandra Grace
Sunshine: Peggy Berg
Awards/Ribbons: Thelma Moyer
Ballots: Wava Wright
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Sandra Grace
Dolls: Sharron Stevenson
Door Prizes: Anne Newton
Featured Artist: Lois Henson
Hanging/Layout Plan: Sandra Hadley, Jane Moxey, & Joyce Lorenzen
Hoffman Challenge: Christina Phelps of Christina's Heritage
Hoffman Quilts - Hanging/Take Down: Mary Gurtler & Lolly Sipes
Hostess: Mary Gurtler
Lobby: Vi Muzinich & Ruth Reilly
Membership: Candace Alvarez
Program Design & Typesetting: Kathy Cotey
Program Advertising Sales: Carol Shipman
Publicity: Barbara Allen, Ruth Reilley, & Vi Muzinich
Quilt Description Signs: Karen Horvath
Quilt Show 1998: Jane Moxey
Quilt Show Logo Design: Christina Kreuger
Quilt Registration: Candace Alvarez
Quilt Stand Pickup/Delivery: Pete Gaunce
Refreshments/Kitchen: charol Reidel
Sheets for Quilt Stands: Syndie Hagardt
T-Shirt Orders: Karen Horvath
Takedown: Jane Moxey
Treasure Chest: Pat Coleman
Vendors: Anita Owens & Joyce Lorenzen
Wearable Art: Sandra Grace
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1997: Mary Gurlter, President
President: Mary Gurtler
1st Vice-President: Jane Moxey
2nd Vice-President: Syndie Hagardt
Secretary: Pat Coleman
Treasurer: Polly Keith
Block of the Month: Barbara Allan
Budget & Finance: Executive Board
Christmas Party: (Unknown)
Historian: Ginny Hoffman
Library: Betty Wagner
Membership: Sharon Larson & Cheryl Gantz
Phone Tree: Cheryl Gantz
Photographer: Ginny Hoffman
Raffle Quilt 1997: Susan Blake
Spring Retreat: Mary Gurtler
Awards: Marty Jackell
Ballots: Wava Wright
Breakdown/Cleanup: Dana Masera & Stan Boen
Charity Projects Display: Mary Lou Slaughter & Karen Vanos
Contests: Donna Holloway
Decorating: Eleanor Berg & Pat Bradburn
Demonstrations: Betty Wagner
Dolls: Shirley Hendrickson
Door Prizes: Anne Newton
Featured Artist: Dale & Lou DeLay
Flyers: Betty Hawkins
Hanging of Quilts: Janey Aiken
Hanging Sheets: Mary Gurtler
Hoffman Challenge Sponsor: Christina Phelps of Christina's Heritage
Hoffman Challenge Hanging & Takedown: Carole Shipman Indoor Signs: Lois Henson
Hostesses: Mimi Urrutia & Linda Hart
Magazines: Barbara Allen
Membership: Sharon Larson
Newspapers: Teri Emmons
Outdoor Signs: Mimi Urritia
Publicity: Vi Muzinich
Quilt Floor Plan: Janey Aiken & Dale DeLay
Quilt Show 1997: Jane Moxey & Joyce Lorenzen
Raffle Quilt: Lolly Sipes & Susan Blake
Refreshments/Kitchen: Syndie Hagardt & Lolly Sipes
Registration Chairs: Candace Alvarez & Judy Stephenson
Set-Up Chair: Janey Moxey
Show Program Chairs: Sandra Grace
Show Program-Advertising Sales: Susan Miller
Show Program-Printing: Cheryl Gantz
Show Program-Typesetting: Kathy Coty
Staffing Chairs: Mimi Urrutia & Linda Heart
Take Down: Ruth Reilly
Treasure Chest: Pat Coleman
Vendor Badges: Margaret Fowler
Vendors: Jane Moxey
Welcome Table: Vi Muzinich & Ruth Reilly
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1996: Janey Aiken, President
President: Janey Aiken
1st Vice-President: L
2nd Vice-President: Marty Jackel
Secretary: Jane Reynolds
Treasurer: Susan Blake
Auction: Virda Lawrence
Block of the Month: Mary Gurtler
Budget & Finance: Executive Board
Christmas Party: Pin Pals
Helpline Doll Quilts: Marilyn Grayson
Historian: Sonja Blanchard
Library: Marty Jackel
Membership: Dana Masera & Myra Sikes
Phone Tree: Teri Emmons
Photographer: Sonja Blanchard
Raffle Quilt 1996: Lou Delay
Raffle Quilt 1997: Susan Blake
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Spring Retreat: Janey Aiken
Winter Retreat: Janey Aiken
Award Ribbons: Carole Shippman
Building Contract: Mary Gurtler
Charity Booth: Mary Lou Slaughter
Decorating: Pat Bradburn & Eleanor Berg
Demonstrations: Margaret Fowler & Betty Wagner
Featured Artist: Marty Jackel
Hanging: Dale DeLay
Hoffman Challenge: Christina Phelps
Hostess: Lois Henson & Kathy Moen
Judges Booth: Diane Smith
Lobby: Alice Totten
Men/Kid Corner: Pattie Brunnett
Programs: Carol Tabor & Jane Moxey
Publicity: Mary Gurtler
Quilt Show 1996: Mary Gurtler, Sam Prescott, & Marty Jackel
Quilt Stands: Dale DeLay
Shuttles: Karen Masters
Signs: Dana Masera
Spool Contest: Mimi Urrutia & Raynor Perry
Refreshments: Myra Sipes
Registration: Janey Aiken
Vendor Badges: Peggy Walther
Vendor Liaison: Sam & Diane Smith
Wearable Art: Sandra Grace
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1995: Dianne Smith, President
President: Dianne Smith
1st Vice-President: Lou Delay
2nd Vice-President: Marty Jackel
Secretary: Jane Reynolds
Treasurer: Susan Blake
Block of the Month: Mary Gurtler
Budget & Finance: Executive Board
Christmas Party: Pin Pals
Helpline Doll Quilts: Marilyn Grayson
Historian: Sonja Blanchard
Library: Marty Jackel
Membership: Dana Masera & Myra Sikes
Phone Tree: Teri Emmons
Photographer: Sonja Blanchard
Raffle Quilt 1996: Lou Delay
Raffle Quilt 1997: Susan Blake
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Spring/Winter Retreats: Janey Aiken
Award Ribbons: Carole Shippman
Building Contract: Mary Gurtler
Charity Booth: Mary Lou Slaughter
Decorating: Pat Bradburn & Eleanor Berg
Demonstrations: Margaret Fowler & Betty Wagner
Hanging: Dale DeLay
Hoffman Challenge: Christina Phelps
Hostess: Lois Henson & Kathy Moen
Judges Booth: Diane Smith
Lobby: Alice Totten
Men/Kid Corner: Pattie Brunnett
Programs: Carol Tabor & Jane Moxey
Publicity: Mary Gurtler
Quilt Show: Mary Gurtler, Sam Prescott, & Marty Jackel
Quilt Stands: Dale DeLay
Shuttles: Karen Masters
Signs: Dana Masera
Spool Contest: Mimi Urrutia & Raynor Perry
Refreshments: Myra Sipes
Registration: Janey Aiken
Vendor Badges: Peggy Walther
Vendor Liaison: Sam & Diane Smith
Wearable Art: Sandra Grace
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1994: Diane Smith, President
President: Diane Smith
1st Vice-President: Sam Prescott
2nd Vice-President: (Unknown)
Secretary: Sandy Schmidt
Treasurer: (Unknown)
Auction: Judy Stephenson & Dale DeLay
Challenge: Sandy Schmidt & Nancy Neill
Christmas Hostess: Peggy Bendush
Greeter: Pam Heinrich
Historian: Ann Fickle
Hospitality: Kathy Benson
Library: Susan Hummell
Membership: Judy Stephenson
Nominations: Sharon Larson
Quilt Raffle 1994: Nancy Neill
Quilt Raffle 1996: Marty Jackel
Spring Retreat: Marty Jackel
Sunshine: Betty Carter & Joan Hird
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1993: Mary-Lou Slaughter, President
President: Mary-Lou Slaughter
1st Vice President: Sharon Larson
2nd Vice President: Susan Hummell
Secretary: Raynor Perry
Treasurer: Kay Schippmann
Doll Quilts: Freda Peden
Guild Fabric: Deborah Johnsen
Historian: Ann Fickle
Hospitality: Phyllis VanBuskirk
Hostess: Kristie Wojtuiak
Library: Susan Hummell
Membership: Anita Owen
Mini-Groups & Liaisons:
Nominating: Marilyn Grayson
Publicity: Susan Skinner
Quilt Show: Virda Lawrence
Raffle Quilt 1993: Nancy Neill
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Spring Retreat: Raynor Perry
Sunshine: Sharon Ortiz
Tipster: Sunbonnet Suzy
Winter Retreat: Lou DeLay
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1992: Sharon Larson, President
President: Sharon Larson
1st Vice-President: Linda Bragg
2nd Vice-President: Susan Hummell
Secretary: Pam Heinrich
Treasurer: Alice Totten
Angel: Anita Owens
Challenge Quilt: Anita Owens & Ann Mooyman
Christmas Party: Lisa Ringsby
Greeter: Doris Hughes
Guilt Auction: Margaret Fowler
Historian: Ann Fickle
Hospitality: Pam Heinrich
Library: Susan Hummell
Membership: Anita Owens
Newsletter Editor: Lou DeLay
Nominations: Freda Peden
Publicity: Rebecca Bragg
Quilt Show 1992: Sharon Johnson
Raffle Quilt 1994 Construction: Nancy Neill
Spring Retreat: Anita Owens
Sunshine: Sharon Ortiz
T-Shirts: Nancy Neill
Boutique: Ruth Milbrot
Catalog: Lu Storm
Cleanup: Kristie Wojutuniak
Demonstration: Kristie Wojutuniak
Display: MaryLou Slaughter
Facilities: Freda Peden & Linda Bragg
Hanging: Lu Storm
Hostess: Sharon Ortiz & Ione Whitney
Insurance: Susan Skinner
Kitchen: Betty Carter & Rebecca Bragg
Lobby: Alice Totten
Publicity: Sally Coleman & Sharon Larson
Registration: Margaret Fowler & Marty Jackel
Security: Susan Skinner
Vendors: Linda Bragg
Work Schedule: Sharon Ortiz & Ione Whitney
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1991: Marilyn Grayson, President
President: Marilyn Grayson
1st Vice President: Diana Wasson
2nd Vice President: Sharon Johnson
Secretary: Peggy Bendush
Treasurer: Alice Totten
Angel: Anita Owen
Christmas Party: Lisa Ringsby
Greeter: Doris Hughes
Guild Inventory: Marilyn Grayson
Guilt Auction: Margaret Fowler
Helpline Doll Quilt: Freda Peden
Historian: Ann Fickle
Hospitality; Pam Heinrich
Logo Boutique: Nancy Neill
Nominations: Freda Peden
Picnic: Sharon Ortiz
Quilt Retreat: Linda Bragg
Raffle Quilt (1992): Lu Storm
Raffle Quilt (1994): Nancy Neill
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Sunshine: Sharon Ortiz
Boutique: Ruth Milbrot
Catalog: Lu Storm
Cleanup: Kristie Wojutuniak
Demonstration: Kristi Wojutuniak
Display: Mary Lou Slaughter
Entry/Registration: Margaret Fowler & Marty Jackel
Facilities: Freda Peden & Linda Bragg
Hanging: Lu Storm
Hostess/Work: Sharon Ortiz & Ione Whitney
Kitchen: Betty Carter & Rebecca Bragg
Lobby: Alice Totten
Publicity: Sally Coleman & Sharon Larson
Quilt Show: Virda Lawrence & Sharon Johnson
Security: Susan Skinner
Vendors: Linda Bragg
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1990: Freda Peden, President
President: Freda Peden
1st Vice President: Diana Wasson
2nd Vice President: Sharon Johnson
Secretary: Peggy Bendush
Treasurer: Peggy Hartung
Auction: Alice Totten
Christmas Party: Nancy Neill
Community Service: Nancy Neill
Directory: Sharon Johnson
Field Trips: Dianna Clark
Greeter: Anita Owen
Helpline Doll Blankets: Ann Mooyman
Historian: Marilyn Grayson & Marci Velasco
Hospitality: Raynor Perry
Library: Susan Erland
Membership: Sandy Schmidt
Mini-Groups & Liaisons:
* Crazy Quilters: Ann Mooyman
* Friendship Quilters: Freda Peen
* Sinclair Quilters: Dana Harmon-Phillips
* Whirlwinds: Alice Totten
Newsletter Editor: Lou DeLay
Nominating: Virda Lawrence
Phone Tree: Helen Asche, Vivian Blackburn, Sharon Ortiz, & Jane Wood
Photographer: Marilyn Grayson & Marci Velasco
Picnic Coordinator: Sharon Ortiz
Raffle Quilt (1990) Construction: Becky Merrill
Raffle Quilt (1991) Construction: Lu Storm
Raffle Quilt (1992) Construction: Lu Storm
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Sunshine: Sharon Ortiz
Tipster: Sunbonnet Suzy
Boutique: Marilyn Grayson
Café: Ann Mooyman
Décor: Debbie Cole
Demonstrations: Susan Hummell
Entry: Alice Totten
Featured Artist: (Unknown)
Flyers: Sandy Schmidt
Hanging: Sharon Larson & Joan Hird
Merchant Mall: Dana Harmon-Phillips & Kay Austin
Program: Freda Peden
Publicity: Ann Mooyman & Nadine Hamby
Quilt Show 1990: Margaret Painter
Show Book: Sandy Schmidt
Tickets: Peggy Bendush
Treasurer: Peggy Hartung
Volunteer Work: Sharon Ortiz
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1989: Virda Lawrence, President
P.O.Q.G. Newsletter is now called Sound Fabrications
President: Virda Lawrence
1st Vice President: Jen Shurtliff
2nd Vice President: Susan Erland
Secretary: Doris Hamby
Treasurer: Tauusha Perado
Banner: Nancy Douglas
Budget/Finance: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Greeter: Debbie Cole
Helpline Doll Quilts: Ann Mooyman
Historian: Gerry Harmom
Hospitality: Sharon Ortiz
Library: Susan Erland
Membership: Ruth Richardson
Mini-Groups Liaisons:
* Crazy Quilters: Nancy Sandberg
* Sinclair Inlet Quilters: Gerry Harmon
* Whirlwind Quilters: Virda Lawrence
Newsletter Editor: Virda Lawrence
Nominating: Kay Austin
Phone Tree: Peggy Bendush
Photographer: Don Lawrence
Publicity: Ann Mooyman
Quilt Show: Gerene Simmons & Sharon Larson
Raffle Quilt 1989 Construction: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Raffle Quilt 1990 Construction: Rebecca Merrill
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Fran Jeffers & Dana Harmon-Phillips
Sharing Basket: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Sunshine: Judi Helms & Vivian Blackburn
Sound Fabrications: Charlyn Eddy
Tipster: Sunbonnet Suzy
Banquet/Fashion: Gerene Simmons & Rebecca Merrill
Catalogue: Gerene Simmons & Sharon Johnson
Entry Committee: Sharon Larson & Margaret Painter
Featured Artist: Margaret Fowler
Guild Banner: Nancy Douglas
Hospitality: Sharon Larson & Sharon Ortiz
Hostess: Sharon Larson
Information/Tours: Sharon Larson & Charlyn Eddy
Judges Hospitality: Gerene Simmons
Logo: Nadine Hamby
Merchant Mall: Sharon Larson & Dana Harmon-Phillips
Photographer: Gerene Simmons
Publicity: Sharon Larson & Don Lawrence
Registration: Sharon Larson
Quilt Show 1989: Gerene Simmons & Sharon Larson
Show Education: Gerene Simmons
Show Treasurer: Sharon Larson
Tour & Information: Charlyn Eddy
Workshops: Becky Merrill, Virda Lawrence, & Lori Williams
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1988: Dana Harmon-Phillips, President
President: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Vice President: (Unknown)
Secretary: Sharon Larson
Treasurer: Pat Okrassa
Ad Hoc: Nancy Douglas
Advertising: Sharon Johnson
Block of the Month: Nancy Douglas
Budget: Virda Lawrence
Christmas Party: Marilyn Franz & Sharon Ortiz
Guild Banner: Nancy Sandberg
Happenings: Carolyn Miller
Helpline Christmas Doll: Ann Mooyman
Historian: Nancy Douglas
Hospitality: Sharon Ortiz
Library: Gerry Harmon
Membership: Doris Hughes
Mini-Groups Liaisons:
* Cabin Quilters: Nancy Douglas
* Crazy Quilters: Doris Hamby
* Friendship Quilters: Carolyn
* Sinclair Quilters: Susan Hummell
* Time Square Quilters: Randi Cox
* Whirlwind Quilters: Gerene Simmons
Newsletter Editor: Virda Lawrence
Nominating: Nancy Douglas
Photographer: Don Lawrence
Publicity: (Open)
Raffle Quilt 1988 Construction: Nancy Sandberg
Raffle Quilt 1989 Construction: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Sunshine: Ruth Richardson
Tipster: Sunbonnet Suzy
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1987: Jane Wood, President
President: Jane Wood
Vice President: Dana Harmon
Secretary: Sharon Larson
Treasurer: Pat Okrassa
Ad Hoc: Nancy Douglas
Christmas Party: Sharon Larson
Historian: Nancy Douglas
Membership: Fran Jeffers
Mini-Groups Liaisons:
* Cabin Quilters: Nancy Douglas
* Crazy Quilters: Doris Hamby
* Times Square: Randi Cox
* Sinclair Inlet: Dana Harmon-Phillips & Susan Hummell
* Whirlwind Quilters: Gerene Simmons
Newsletter Editor: Fran Jeffers
Raffle Quilt 1987 Construction: Whirlwind Quilters
Raffle Quilt 1988 Construction: Crazy Quilters
Raffle Quilt 1989 Construction: Whirlwind Quilters
Raffle Ticket Sales: Fran Jeffers
Advertising: Sharon Larson
Boutique: Betty Cummins
Quilt Show: Julie Cotes & Fran Jeffers
Security: Steve Erland
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1985-1986: Gerene Simmons, President
Port Orchard Quilters Guild ( P.O.Q.G.) was formally organized on September 18, 1985.
First meeting was held on August and formally organized on Sept 18th, 1985.
P.O.Q.G.became a Charter Member #335 of the National Quilting Association on Feb 27, 1986.
President: Gerene Simmons
Vice President: Fran Jeffers
Secretary/Treasurer: Jane Wood
Christmas Party: Sharon Larson
Helpline Doll Quilts: Peggy Caldon
Historian: Nancy Douglas
Mini-Groups Liaisons:
* Cabin Quilters: Virda Lawrence
* Crazy Quilters: Jane Wood
* Whirlwind Quilters: Helen Asche
Newsletter Editor: Fran Jeffers
Program Chairman: Helen Asche
Quilt Raffle 1987: Whirlwinds Quilters
Raffle Ticket Sales: Fran Jeffers
Winner of the Mariner's Compass Logo Contest: Nancy Sandberg
Chairmen: Gerene Simmons, Jane Wood, & Fran Jeffers
Demonstrationss: Virda Lawrence
Fliers: Virda Lawrence
Program: Hellen Waller
Publicity: Sharon Larson & Bernadette Loeb
Quilt Take Down: All Members
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Fran Jeffers
Signs: Virda Lawrence
President: Debi Hubbell
1st Vice President: Meg Shellehberger
2nd Vice President: Donna Marrtin
Secretary: Tammera Beverage
Treasurer: Mary Kehrer
Block of the Month: Syndie Hagardt & Kathleen Matthews
Challenge Quilts 2022: Mech Watne
Challenge Quilts 2023: Simone Montfort
Community Service: Syndie Hagardt
Community Quilts: Katherine Zimmerman, Joyce Palsson, Isha Hendricks, Melissa Gregory
Door Prizes: Donna Martin
Fall Retreat : Julie Brummond & Elle Culver
Forms Bank: Kathleen Matthews
Historian: (Open)
Hospitality: (Open)
Internet Communication Coordinator: Alicia Wells
Library: Karen Richard
Logo Boutique: Meche Watne
Membership: Karen Bodeutsch & Patricia Sturgeon
Mini-Groups Liaison: (Open)
Newsletter Editor: Sarrah Rodriguez
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2022: Kathleen Matthews
Quilt Show 2023: Elle Culver
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Pat Lintho & Debi Hubbell
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Pat Lintho & Debi Hubbell
Raffle Quilt 2023: Tammera Beverage
Spring Retreat : Simone Montfort & Pat Lintho
Sunshine: Karen Richard
Community Quilts: Katherine Zimmerman & Joyce Palsson
Demo/Quilt Turning:
Door Prizes:
Equipment Delivery/Return:
Equipment Take Down:
Fat Quarter Raffle: Tammera Beverage
Featured Artist:
Membership: Karen Bodeutsch & Patricia Sturgeon
Participation Awards: Quilt Show Chairs
Quilt Receivers:
Quilt Registration:
Quilt Show 2022: Kathleen Beverage
Quilt Take Down:
Silent Auction:
Thursday Lunch:
Treasure Chest:
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
2022-3: Julie Brummond, President
President: Julie Brummond
1st Vice President: Peggy Rees/Debi Hubbell
2nd Vice President: Kaydee Strong
Secretary: Lynne Kuch
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
Block of the Month: Dixie Fox & Joan Dresser
Challenge Quilts 2022: Mech Watne
Challenge Quilts 2023: Simone Montfort
Community Service: Syndie Hagardt
Community Quilts: Katherine Zimmerman, Joyce Palsson, Isha Hendricks, Melissa Gregory
Door Prizes: Donna Martin
Fall Retreat : Julie Brummond & Elle Culver
Forms Bank: Kathleen Matthews
Historian: (Open)
Hospitality: (Open)
Internet Communication Coordinator: Alicia Wells
Library: Karen Richard
Logo Boutique: Meche Watne
Membership: Karen Bodeutsch & Patricia Sturgeon
Mini-Groups Liaison: (Open)
Newsletter Editor: Sarrah Rodriguez
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2022: Kathleen Matthews
Quilt Show 2023: Elle Culver
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Pat Lintho & Debi Hubbell
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Pat Lintho & Debi Hubbell
Raffle Quilt 2023: Tammera Beverage
Spring Retreat : Simone Montfort & Pat Lintho
Sunshine: Karen Richard
Community Quilts: Katherine Zimmerman & Joyce Palsson
Demo/Quilt Turning:
Door Prizes:
Equipment Delivery/Return:
Equipment Take Down:
Fat Quarter Raffle: Tammera Beverage
Featured Artist:
Membership: Karen Bodeutsch & Patricia Sturgeon
Participation Awards: Quilt Show Chairs
Quilt Receivers:
Quilt Registration:
Quilt Show 2022: Kathleen Beverage
Quilt Take Down:
Silent Auction:
Thursday Lunch:
Treasure Chest:
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2019: Kathleen Matthews, President
President: Kathleen Matthews
1st Vice President: Jackie Furuheim
2nd Vice President: Barbie Mundt
Secretary: Julie Brummond
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Block of the Month: (Open)
Challenge Quilts 2019: Julie Brummond, Peggy Rees, & Thelma Moyer
Community Quilts: Jackie Williams & Sandra Nagli
Door Prizes: (Open)
Emergency Contact Tree: (Open)
Fall Retreat 2019: Julie Brummond & Elle Culver
Forms Bank: Jackie Furuheim
Hospitality: (Open)
Library: Gloriajean Church
Logo Boutique: (Open)
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Mini-Groups Liaison: Angela Ferdico
Newsletter Editor: Kathleen Littfin
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2019: Pat Lintho & Tammera Beverage
Raffle Quilt 2020: Meg Shellenberger, Isha Hendricks, & Tammera Beverage
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Meg Shellenberger
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Dixie Fox
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Meg Shellenberger
Spring Retreat 2019: Simone Montfort & Joyce Lorenzen
Sunshine: Joan Faye
Website: Trish Harrison & Alicia Wells
Awards/Judging: Susan Baker
Café: Karen Bodeutsch & Kathleen Matthews
Community Quilts: Jackie Williams & Sandra Negli
Decorating: Tammera Beverage
Demo/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Julie Brummond
Equipment Delivery/Return: Rick & Donna Martin
Equipment Take Down: (Need Voluntters)
Fat Quarter Raffle: Virginia Stranberg
Featured Artist: Trish Harrison
Hanging/Layout: Kathleen Littfin
Lobby: Victoria Lafser
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Participation Awards: Quilt Show Chairs
Program/Advertising: Alicia Wells & Debi Hubbell
Publicity: Meg Shellenberger
Quilt Receivers: Frances Frender
Quilt Registration: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2019: Pat Lintho & Tammera Beverage
Quilt Take Down: (Need Volunteers)
Security: Mary McAlhany
Silent Auction: Jackie Heckathorn
Thursday Lunch: Karen Bodeutsch
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Vendors: Gloriajean Church & Debbie Hubbell
Volunteers: Patricia Sturgeon
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2018: Elle Culver, President
President: Elle Culver
1st Vice President: Isha Hendricks
2nd Vice President: Donna Martin
Secretary: Julie Brummond
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
Block of the Month: Kathy Wenzlick
Challenge Quilts 2018: Jackie Heckathorn & Gloriajean Church
Community Service: Joyce Palsson, Jackie Williams, & Sandra Nagli
Community Service Coordinator: Jackie Furuheim
Door Prizes: Karen Bodeutsch
Emergency Contact Tree: Kathy Haner
Fall Retreat 2018: Sandy VandePutte, Irene Hudspeth, & Julie Brummond
Forms Bank: Jackie Furuheim
Hospitality: (Open)
Library: Gloriajean Church
Logo Boutique: Connie Kessler
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Mini-Groups Liaison: Angela Ferdico
Newspaper Editor: Kathleen Littfin
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2018: Pat Lintho, Frances Fredder, & Debi Hubble
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Virginia Stranberg
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Quilt 2019 Construction: Community Quilts Team
Spring Retreat 2018: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Sunshine: Joan Faye
Tipster: Tammera Wipple
Website: Alicia Wells & Trish Harrison
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt & Kathleen Matthews
Auction Blocks: Meg Shellenberger
Awards/Judging: Susan Baker
Café: Karen Boduetsch & Kathleen Matthews
Community Quilts: Joyce Palsson, Sandra Nagli, Jackie Williams, & Nicole Mather
Decorations: Gloriajean Church
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Idena Downey
Equipment Delivery/Take Down/Return: Rick & Donna Martin
Fat Quarter Raffle: Kaydee Strong
Featured Artist: Susan Hondros
Hanging/Layout: Debi Hubbell & Kathleen Littfin
Lobby: Pat Lintho
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Program: Alicia Wells
Publicity: Monika Adams
Quilt Receivers: Angela Dodge
Quilt Registration: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2018: Pat Lintho, Frances Fredder, & Debi Hubble
Security: Mary McAlhany
Thursday Lunch: Karen Boduetsch
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim
Treasurer: Tamera Beverage
Venders: Lynne Kuch
Volunteers: Elle Culver & Julie Brummond
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2017: Elle Culver, President
President: Elle Culver
1st Vice President: Paulette Stream
2nd Vice President: Donna Martin
Secretary: Berta Stone
Treasurer: Tammera Beverage
Angels: Barb Bolson
Block of the Month: Rose Andrade
Challenge Quilt 2017: Frances Fredder, Pat Lintho, & Debi Hubble
Community Quilts: Nicole Mathers, Alyce Abrams, Joyce Palsson, & Jackie Williams
Library: Gloriajean Church
Logo Boutique: Monica Adams
Membership: Barbie Mundt
Mini-Groups: Kathleen Littfin
Newsletter Editor: Barb Porter
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2017: Pat Lintho, Frances Fredder, & Debi Hubble
Raffle Quilt Construction 2017: Hoop-Dee-Doos
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Virginia Stranberg
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Lynne Kuche
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Sunshine: Barb Bolson & Diana Holmlund
Tipster: Tammera Beverage
Website: Alicia Wells, Trish Harrison, & Jackie Furuheim
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt & Kathleen Matthews
Auction Blocks: Jackie Heckathorn
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Café: Rita Jackson, Sherry McGee, & Donna Darrell
Community Quilts: Joyce Palsson, Jackie Williams, & Nicole Mather
Decorations: Gloriajean Church
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Victoria Lafser
Equipment Delivery/Take Down/Return: Donna Martin
Fat Quarter Raffle: Kaydee Strong, Susy Price, & Linda Martin
Featured Artist: Simone Montfort
Hanging/Layout: Debi Hubbell, Meg Shellenberger, & Kathleen Littfin
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Membership: Barbie Mundt & Joyce Lorenzen
Program: Alicia Wells
Program Ads: Irene Hudspeth
Publicity: Monika Adams
Quilt Receivers: Frances Frender
Quilt Registration: Rose Andrade & Trish Harrison
Quilt Show 2017: Pat Lintho, Frances Fredder, & Debi Hubble
Quilt Take Down: Karen Bodeutsch
Security: Mary McAlhany
Thursday Lunch: Rita Jackson, Sherry McGee, & Donna Darrell
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim
Treasurer: Tamera Beverage
Venders: Elle Culver & Paulette Stream
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2016: Barb Bolson, President
President: Barb Bolson
1st Vice President: Elle Culver
2nd Vice President: Rita Jackson
Secretary: Kathleen Matthews
Treasurer: Wava Wright
Block of the Month: Kathleen Littfin
Community Service: Irene Hudspeth & Nan Pickett
Library: Kathleen Matthews
Logo Boutique: Mary McAlhany
Membership: Robin Butler
Mini-Groups Liaison: Kat Garner & Kathy Cathcart
Newsletter Editor: Barb Porter
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Quilt Show 2016: Jackie Furuheim, Dorothy Lindquist, & Meg Shellenberger
Raffle Quilt 2017: Elaine Rendel
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Jackie Furuheim & Monika Geiger
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelly Harbottle
Sunshine: Diana Holmlund
Website: Jackie Furuheim, Trish Harrison, & Alicia Wells
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Cafe: Rita Jackson, Sherry McGree, & Irene Hudspeth
Community Quilts: Nan Pickett & Iren Hudspeth
Decorations: Gloriajean Church
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Victoria Lefser
Equipment Delivery/Return: Meg Shellenberger
Fat Quarter Raffle: Meg Shellenberger
Featured Artist: Kathleen Littfin
Hanging/Layout: Sharon Hill
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Membership: Robin Butler
Program: Alicia Wells
Program Ads: Irene Hudspeth
Publicity: Michele Ogeltree, Kathy Haner, Monika Adams, Dorothy Lindquist, & Jackie Furuheim
Quilt Receivers: Sandra Grace
Quilt Registration: Trish Harrison
Quilt Show 2016: Jackie Furuheim, Dorothy Lindquist, & Meg Shellenberger
Quilt Take Down: Karen Bodeutsch
Security: Mary McAlhany
Silent Auction: Jackie Keckathorn
Thursday Lunch: Rita Jackson, Sherry McGee, & Donna darrel
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim & Joyce Lorenzen
Treasurer: Wava Wright
Venders: Kathleen Matthews & Syndie Hagardt
Volunteers: Simone Montfort & Shelly Harbottle
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2015: Barb Bolson, President
President: Barb Bolson
1st Vice President: Elle Culver
2nd Vice President: Rita Jackson
Secretary: Karen Bodeutsch & Syndie Hagardt
Treasurer: Wava Wright
Block of the Month: Kathleen Matthews
Challenge Quilt 2015: Sandy VanDePutte, Donna Haggard, & Mari Woody
Community Service: Irene Hudspeth & Nan Pickett
Community Service Coordinator: Jackie Furuheim
Emergency Contact tree: Lillian Schauer
Form Bank: Lillian Schauer
Historian: Kaydee Strong
Hospitality: Lynne Kuch
Library: Kathleen Matthews
Logo Boutique: Mary McAlhany
Membership: Berta Stone
Mini-Groups Liaison: Dorothy Lindquist
Newsletter Editor: Alicia Wells
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2015: Lynne Kuch & Idena Downey
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Jackie Furuheim & Monika Geiger
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Quilt 2015: Becky Evans & Dixie Kliewer
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
Tipster: (Open)
Website: Trish Harrison, Jackie Furuheim, Dorothy Lindquist, & Alicia Wells
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt
Advertising: Irene Hudspeth
Auction Blocks: Lauran Myers
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Café: Karen Bodeutsch & Donna Martin
Decorating: Frances Frender
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Victoria Lafser
Equipment Delivery/Return: Rita Jackson & Meg Shellenberger
Fat Quarter Raffle: Rita Jackson & Donna Darrell
Featured Artist: Donna Haggard
Hanging/Layout: Berta Stone
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Program: Alicia Wells
Publicity: Monika Geiger & Michele Ogletree
Quilt Receivers: Diana Hubert & Carolyn Bezona
Quilt Registration: Trish Harrison
Quilt Show 2015: Lynne Kuch & Idena Downey
Take Down: Joyce Lorenzen
Thursday Lunch: Karen Bodeutsch & Donna Martin
Treasure Chest: Jackie Furuheim & Sandra Grace
Treasurer: Wava Wright
Vendors: Genean Janaszak & Dixie Fox
Volunteers: Simone Montfort & Shelly Harbottle
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2014: Meg Shellenberger, President
President: Meg Shellenberger
1st Vice President: Simone Montfort
2nd Vice President: Wava Wright
Secretary: Karen Bodeutsch & Syndie Hagardt
Treasurer: Jackie Furuheim
Angels: Syndie Hagardt
Block of the Month: Kathleen Matthews
Challenge Quilts 2015: Sandy VanDePutte
Community Service: Irene Hudspeth & Nan Pickett
Community Service Coordinator: Jackie Furuheim
Emergency Contact Tree: Lillian Schauer
Form Bank: Lillian Schauer
Historian: (Open)
Hospitality: Lynne Kuch
Library: Kathleen Matthews
Logo Boutique: Mary McAlhany
Membership: Berta Stone
Mini-Groups Liaison: Dorothy Lindquist
Newsletter Editor: Alicia Wells
Newsletter Mailings: Linda Martin
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Quilt Show 2014: Lynne Kuch & Idena Downey
Raffle Quilt 2015: Becky Olson Evans & Dixie Kliewer
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Ticket Sales: Jackie Furuheim & Monika Geiger
Raffle Quilt 2015: Becky Evans & Dixie Kliewer
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
Tipster: Sandy VanDePutte
Website: Trish Harrison, Jackie Furuheim, Dorothy Lindquist, & Alicia Wells
Winter Retreat: Syndie Hagardt
Advertising: Nicky North
Auction Blocks: Lauran Myers
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Café: Karen Bodeutsch & Donna Martin
Decorating: Frances Frender
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Victoria Lafser & Sandy Schmidt
Equipment Delivery/Return: Wava Wright
Featured Artist: Becky Olson Evans
Hanging/Layout: Berta Stone & Sandy Schmidt
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Program: Alicia Wells
Publicity: Monika Adams & Betty Busek
Quilt Receivers: Diane Hubert & Carolyn Bezona
Quilt Registration: Trish Harrison
Quilt Show 2014: Lynne Kuch & Idena Downey
Take Down: Joyce Lorenzen
Thursday Lunch: Gen Carnahan & Rita Jackson
Treasure Chest: Sandra Grace
Vendors: Anita Bernhard
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2013: Meg Shellenberger, President
Presidents: Meg Shellenberger
1st Vice President: Simone Montfort
2nd Vice President: Janice Haines
Secretary: Trish Harrison
Treasurer: Jackie Furuheim
Challenge Quilt 2014: Joyce Lorenzen
Community Service: Irene Hudspeth & Dixie Kliewer
Community Service Coordinator: Jackie Furuheim
Emergency Contact Tree: Lillian Schauer
Forms Bank: Lillian Schauer
Historian: Donna Martin
Hospitality: Karen Bodeutsch
Library: Nicky North
Membership: Sandy Schmidt & Lynne Kuch
Mini-Groups Liaison: Dorothy Lindquist
Newsletter Editor: Alicia Wells
Newsletter Mailings: Sharon Demianiw
Photographer: Simone Montfort
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Dixie Kliewer & Georgia Ovestrud
Quilt Show 2013: Marilyn Hepner & Nan Pickett
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Stash Builders: Elizabeth Richmond & Virginia Stranberg
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
T-Shirt Sales: Mary McAlhany
Tipster: Sara McDaniel
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Riedel
Advertising: Nicky North
Auction Blocks: Lauran Myers
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud & Tammie Cochran
Café: Meg Shellenberger & Donna Martin
Decorating: Frances Frender
Demos/Quilt Turning: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Berta Stone, Victoria Lafser & Sandy Schmidt
Equipment Delivery/Return: Kathy Weiser & Jackie Furuheim
Featured Artist: Rita Jackson
Hanging/Layout: Berta Stone & Sandy Schmidt
Lobby: Susan Koharian
Program: Alicia Wells
Publicity: Monika Geiger & Irene Hudspeth
Quilt Receivers: Diane Hubert & Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Trish Harrison & Carolyn Fessler
Quilt Show 2013: Marilyn Hepner & Nan Pickett
Take Down: Joyce Lorenzen
Thursday Lunch: Gen Carnahan & Rita Jackson
Treasure Chest: Anita Bernhard
Vendors: Tamara Whipple
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2012: Heidi Bjorgen & Rondy Voorhees, Presidents
President: Heidi Bjorgen & Rondy Voorhees
1st Vice President: Lynne Kuch
2nd Vice President: Cathy Fischer
Secretary: Trish Harrison
Treasurer: Annie Jarrett & Jackie Furuheim
Challenge Quilt 2013: (Open)
Emergency Contact Tree: Lillian Schauer
Historian: Donna Martin
Library: Wendy Dudley
Membership: Sandy Schmitz & Lynne Kuch
Mini-Groups Liaison: Nicky North
Newsletter Editor: Sara McDaniel
Newsletter Mailings: Meg Shellenberger
Photographer: Donna Martin
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Sandra Nagli & Rodie Burd
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Alyce Abrams & Joyce Palsson
Quilt Show 2012: No Quilt Show
Sewing Tips: Thelma Moyer
Spring Retreat: Simone Montford & Shelley Harbottle
Stash Builder: Elizabeth Richmond
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
T-Shirt Sales: Sandy VanDePutte
Tipster: Thelma Moyer
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Riedel
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2011: Irene Hudspeth, President
President: Irene Hudspeth
1st Vice President: Pat Bromm
2nd Vice President: Cathy Fischer
Secretary: Katie Knoelke
Treasurer: Annie Jarrett
Block of the Month: Sara McDaniel & Rita Jackson
Challenge Team 2011: Diane DeMulling, Sharon Floyd, Syndie Hagardt, & Lillian Schauer
Challenge Quilt 2012: Alyce Abrams, Joyce Palsson, & Mary Jo Whalen
Community Service: Meg Shellenberger & Dixie Kliewer
Emergency Contact Tree: Lynn Hills
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Historian: Donna Martin
Hospitality: Alyce Abrams & Dixie Fox
Library: Monika Geiger
Membership: Lillian Schauer
Mini-Group Liaison: (Open)
Newsletter Editor: Sara McDaniel
Newsletter Mailings: Sharon Demianiw
Photographer: Donna Martin & Syndie Hagardt
Programs: Pat Bromm
Quilt Show 2011: Linda Morton & Anita Bernhard
Storage Lockers: Cathy Fischer
Raffle Quilt 2012: Crazy Quilters Mini-Group
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Rondy Voorhees & Rodie Burd
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Lynne Kuch & Betty Busek
Sound Tips: Thelma Moyer
Spring Retreat: Simone Montfort & Shelley Harbottle
Stash Builder: Elizabeth Richmond
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
T-Shirt Sales: Sandy VanDePutte
Website: Carolyl Fessler
Winter Retreats: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Riedel
Advertising: Thelma Moyer
Awards/Judging: Sharon Floyd
Cafe: Elizabeth Richmond
Challenge: In Stitches Mini-Group
Decorating: Chris Bergeron
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Kathy Haner & Barbara Hahn
Equipment Delivery/Return: Anita Bernhard
Featured Artists: Rondy Voorhees & Sandy Schmidt
Hanging/Layout: Marilyn Hepner & Debbie Baccetti
Program: Sara McDaniel
Publicity: Katie Knoelke
Quilt Receivers: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2011: Linda Morton & Anita Bernhard
Quilt Takedown: Alice Abrams
Raffle Site Tickets: Rodie Burd & Rondy Voorhees
Treasure Chest: Ruth Dudley & Bev Unruh
Vendors: Idena Downey
Volunteer: Rodie Burd
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2010: Rodie Burd, President
President: Rodie Burd
1st Vice President: Irene Hudspeth
2nd Vice President: Andrea Cole
Secretary: Marscha Irving
Treasurer: Lynn Hills
Block of the Month: Rita Jackson & Donna Darrell
Community Block: Dora Trotter
Community Service: Syndie Hagardt
Emergency Contact tree: Lynne Hills
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Historian: Donna Martin
Hospitality: Birthday Group of the Month
Library: Andrea Cole
Membership: Bev Unruh & Kathy Haner
Mini-Group Liaison: Meg Shellenberger
Newsletter Editor: Syndie Hagardt
Newsletter Mailings: Sharon Demianiw
Photographer: Donna Martin
Programs: Robin Butler
Quilt Show 2010: Laurel and Thelma Moyer
Raffle Quilt 2010: Applique Bells
Raffle Quilt 2011: Canal Country Quilters
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Open)
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Lynne Kuch & Betty Busek
Sound Tips: Thelma Moyer
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
T-Shirt Sales: Sandy VanDePutte
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Reidel
Advertising: Marscha Irving
Awards/Judging: Sharon Floyd
Bookmarks & Flyers: Monika Geiger
Café: Karen Rossiter & Dora Trotter
Challenge 2010: Joyce Lorenzen
Decorating: Frances Frender
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Kathy Haner & Barbara Hahn
Equipment Delivery/Return: Nan Pickett
Featured Artist: Lois Henson, Dora Trotter, Frances Frender, Simone Montfort, Bev Unruh, & Neva Lamb
Lobby: Nancy Behrendt
Program: Sara McDaniel
Publicity: Monika Geiger
Quilt Hanging/Layout: Marilyn Hepner, Debbie Baccetti
Quilt Receivers: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Take Down: Lynn Hume
Quilt Show 2010: Laurel and Thelma Moyer
Raffle Tickets: Lynne Kuch
Treasure Chest: Ruth Dudley
Vendors: Idena Downey
Volunteer: Meg Shellenberger
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2009: Becky Olson Evans, President
President: Becky Olson Evans
1st Vice President: Robin Butler
2nd Vice President: Lauran Myers
Secretary: Marscha Irving
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Block of the Month: Rita Jackson & Donna Darrell
Challenge Quilt: Sandy VanDePutte & Donna Haggard
Community Block: Dora Trotter
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Emergency Contact Tree: Marscha Irving
Historian: Donna Martin
Hospitality: Birthday Groups of the Month
Membership: Bev Unruh
Mini-Group Liaison: Meg Shellenberger
Newsletter Editor: Judie Scholes
Newsletter Mailings: Sharon Demianiw
Photographer: Donna Martin
Quilt Show 2009: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Raffle Quilt 2010: Applique Bells
Raffle Quilt 2011: Canal Country Quilters
Raffle Site Sales: Alyce Abrams & Joyce Palsson
Sound Tips: Thelma Moyer
Spring Retreat: Joyce Lorenzen & Meg Shellenberger
Sunshine: Marsha Irving
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Reidel
Advertising: Marscha Irving
Awards/Judging: Sharon Floyd
Café: Ann Waaga, Nancy Williams, & Diana Nut
Challenge Quilt: Sandy VanDePutte & Donna Haggard
Community Blocks: Dora Trotter
Decorating: Thelma Moyer & Frances Frender
Demo: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Virginia Stranberg
Equipment Delivery/Return: Nan Pickett & Lauran Myers
Featured Artist: Delaine Gately
Hanging/Layout: Debbie Beccetti & Pat Lintho
Lobby: Ruth Dudley & Laurel Moyer
Program: Sara McDaniel
Publicity: Monika Geiger
Quilt Receivers: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2009: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Takedown Coordinator: Lynn Hume
Raffle Site Sales: Alyce Abrams
Raffle Ticket Sales: Lynn Kuch
Thursday Lunch: Helen Chamberlin & Barbara Peterson
Treasure Chest: Debbie Baccetti & Joyce Blair
Vendors: Lynne Kuch & Betty Busek
Volunteer: Meg Shellenberger
Wearable Art: Katie Knoelke
Wool Items: Joyce Figueroade Rasckle
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2008: Katie Knoelke, President
President: Katie Knoelke
1st Vice President: Joyce Lorenzen
2nd Vice President: Meg Shellenberger
Secretary: Georgia Ovestrud
Treasurer: Dixie Kliewer
Block of the Month: (Open)
Community Quilts: Dora Trotter
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Historian: (Open)
Hobbs UPC Labels: Virginia Stranberg
Hospitality: (Birthday Groups of the Month)
Membership: Karen Rossiter
Mini-Groups Liaison: Sharon Floyd & Ginny Hoffman
Newsletter Editor: Judie Scholes
Photographer: (Open)
Quilt Show 2008: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Katie Knoelke & Nan Pickett
T-Shirt Sales: Sandy VanDePutte & Donna Haggard
Sound Tips: Tamara Whipple
Spring Retreat: Joyce Lorenzen & Meg Shellenberger
Sunshine: Marscha Irving
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Reidel
Community Quilts: Virginia Stranberg
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Demo: Bernie Oehrling
Door Prizes: Trulee Reed
Featured Artist: Pat Rosenthal
Quilt Receivers: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2008: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Silent Auction: Katie Knoelke
Treasure Chest: Nancy Lee
Volunteer: Mag Shellenberger
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2007: Katie Knoelke, President
President: Katie Knoelke
1st Vice President: Joyce Lorenzen
2nd Vice President: Meg Shellenberger
Secretary: Georgia Ovestrud
Treasurer: Dixie Kliewer
Block of the Month: Dora Trotter
By-Laws and Standing Rules: Lillian Schauer
Community Block: Virginia Stranberg
Door Prizes: Trulie Reed
Historian: Linda Sloan
Hobbs UPC Labels: Virginia Stranberg
Hospitality: Dorothy Lindquist
Membership: Karen Rossiter
Mini-Groups Liaison: Syndie Hagardt & Ginny Hoffman
Newsletter Editor: Judie Scholes
Quilt Show 2007: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Raffle Quilt 2008: Nancy Wilson
Raffle Quilt 2009: Janet Larson & Becky Evans
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Katie Knoelke & Nan Pickett
Sound Tips: Jennifer Pielow
Spring Retreat: Sondra Grace
Sunshine: (Open)
Website: Carolyn Fessler
Winter Retreat: Elizabeth Richmond & Charol Reidel
Advertising: Lynne Kuch
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud, Nan Pickett, & Jennifer Pielow
Café: Sharon Floyd & Ginny Hoffman
Cafe Pies: Syndie Hagardt
Community Blocks: Virginia Stranberg & Dora Trotter
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Sue Brown
Equipment Delivery/Return: Heather Holm
Featured Artist: Sandy VanDePutte
Flyers/Publicity: Susan Harmon
Thursday Food: Lady of the Lake
Hanging/Layout: Bev Unruh
Lobby: Linda Dohrer & Deby Lou Elverston
Program: Sara McDaniel
Quilt Receivers Coordinator: Sharon Demianiw
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2007: Rondy Voorhees & Heidi Bjorgen
Quilt Show Take Down: Lynne Hume & Mary Bradshaw
Raffle Quilt Sales: Meg Shellenberger & Katie Knoelke
Vendors: Lynne Kuch & Betty Busek
Volunteer Coordinator: Meg Shellenberger
Wearable Art: Frances Frender
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2006: Becky Olson Evans, President
1st Vice President: Joyce Lorenzen
2nd Vice President: Meg Shellenberger
Secretary: Linda Dohrer
Treasurer: Linda Morton
Community Build A Block: Virginia Stanberg
Quilt Show 2006: Becky Evans Olson & Idena Downey
Advertising: Lynne Kuch
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud
Café: Sandra Grace
Community Blocks: Virginia Stranberg
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling & Maxine Bowlby
Door Prizes: Sue Brown & Jean Baughman
Equipment Delivery/Return: Heather Holm
Featured Artist: Carol Arnold
Flyers/Publicity: Betty Busek
Thursday Food: Ladies of the Lake
Hanging/Layout: Bev Unruh
Lobby: Linda Dohrer & DebbyLou Elverston
Program: Sara McDaniel
Quilt Receivers Coordinator: Meg Shellenberger
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2006: Becky Evans Olson & Idena Downey
Quilt Show Take Down: Rodie Burd
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Kathy Darling
Ribbons: Jennifer Pielow
Special Displays: Becky Evans, Joyce Lorenzen, Lynn Hume, & Idena Downey
Vendors: Lynne Kuch
Volunteer Staffing: Dorothy Lindquist
Wearable Art: Frances Frender
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2005: Genevieve Carnahan, President
President: Genevieve Carnahan
1st Vice President: Sue Brown
2nd Vice President: Anita Bernhard
Secretary: Georgia Ovestrud
Treasurer: Laurel Moyer
Block of the Month: Dora Trotter
Challenge Quilt: Thelma Moyer
Community Block: Virginia Stranberg
Community Service Coordinator: Dora Trotter
Library: Anita Bernhard
Linus Project: Kathy Darling
Membership: Lynne Kuch
Mini-Group Liaison: Dorothy Lindquist & Shirley Layton
Newsletter Editor: Becky Olson Evans
Quilt Show 2005: Candace Alvarez
Quilts of Valor: Rita Jackson
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Thelma Moyer
Sound Tips: Polly Keith
Spring Retreat: Sandra Grace
T-Shirts Sales: Sandy VanDePutte & Donna Haggard
Sunshine: Ruth Reilly
Winter Retreat: Cheryl Reidel
Advertising: Lynne Kuch
Awards/Judging: Heather Holm & Barbara Allen
Café: Elizabeth Richmond
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Bernie Oehrling
Featured Artist: Peter Gaunce
Flyers/Signs: Sara McDaniel
Quilt Show 2005: Candace Alvarez
Quilt Show Registration: Linda Morton
Treasurer Chest: Susan Shroyer
Volunteer Coordinator: Lisa Trout
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2004: Genevieve Carnahan, President
President: Genevieve Carnahan
1st Vice President: Sue Brown
2nd Vice President: Anita Bernhard
Secretary: Georgia Ovestrud
Treasurer: Lisa Trout
Community Block: Virginia Stranberg
Membership: Kim Stotsenberg
Mini-Group Liaison: Willa Lovett
Newsletter Editor: Becky Evans
Quilt Show 2004: Candace Alvarez & Elizabeth Richmond
Sunshine: Ruth Reilly
Awards/Judging: Sandy VanDePutte
Bake Sale: Karen Minard
Café: Anita Bernhard & Nancy Lefcoski
Community Blocks: Virginia Stranberg & Cathy Rogerson
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Jerry Kieta & Bernie Oehrling
Door Prizes: Jean Baughman & Sue Brown
Entertainment: Dora Trotter
Equipment Delivery: Loree Hippe
Featured Artist: Wava Wright
Flyers: Elizabeth Richmond
Hanging/Layout: Charol Riedel
Lobby: Linda Dohrer, Elsa Walsh, & DebbyLou Everston
Program Advertising: Lynne Kuch
Program: Carolyn Fessler
Publicity: Betty Busek & Piecing Pals
Quilt Receivers: Jennifer Alonzo
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2004: Candace Alvarez & Elizabeth Richmond
Quilt Show Take Down: Rodie Burd
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: Georgia Ovestrud
Thursday Food: Gen Carnahan & Lily Meyer
Vendors: Lynne Kuch
Volunteer Staffing: Becky Olson Evans
Wearable Art: Frances Frender
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2003: Carole Taber, President
President: Carole Taber
1st Vice President: Dorothy Lindquist
2nd Vice President: Linda Morton
Secretary: Kathy Haner
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Membership: Kim Stotsenberg
Mini-Group Liaison: Suzanne Harvey
Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Alonzo
Sunshine: Ruth Reilley
Quilt Show 2003: Becky Evans
Advertising: LaDauna Wilson
Awards/Judging: Georgia Ovestrud & Pat Coleman
Bake Sale: Karen Minard
Café: Anita Bernhard, Joyce Larson, & Elizabeth Richmond
Community Blocks: Virginia Stranberg & Lois Joy
Decorations: Thelma Moyer
Door Prizes: Jean Baughman & Sue Brown
Equipment Delivery/Return: Nan Pickett
Featured Artist: Polly Keith
Flyers: Jennifer Alonzo
Thursday Food: Gen Carnahan & Lily Meyer
Hanging/Layout: Kim Stotsenberg
Lobby: DebbyLou Elverston, Linda Dohrer, & Elsa Walsh
Raffle Quilt: Vivian Jensen & Dixie Kliewer
Program: Carolyn Fessler
Publicity: Jennifer Pielow & Becky Olson Evans
Quilt Drop-Offs: Dorothy Lindquist
Quilt Registration: Linda Morton
Quilt Show 2003: Becky Olson Evans
Volunteer Staffing: Idena Downey
Vendors: Jacque Noard
Wearable Art: Frances Frender
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2002: Carole Taber, President
President: Carole Taber
1st Vice President: Dorothy Lindquist
2nd Vice President: Linda Morton
Secretary: Kathy Haner
Treasurer: Lynne Kuch
Block of the Month: Elizabeth Richmond
Challenge Quilt: Marty Jackel
Charity: Roxann Ebarb
Database: Becky Evans
Education: Mary Gurtler
Featured Artist: Joyce Lorenzen
Historian: Sandy Schmidt
Hospitality: Carole Taber
Library: Kim Stotsenberg
Locker: Kim Stotsenberg
Membership: Georgia Ovestrud
Mini Block of the Month: Marilyn Grayson
Mini-Groups Liaison: Carol Sankovich & Dixie Kliewer
Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Alonso
Newsletter Mailing: Gloria Mitchell
Publicity: Joyce Lorenzen
Quilt Show 2002: Dora Trotter
Raffle Quilt 2002: Roxann Ebarb
Raffle Tickets: Karen Horvath
Refreshments: Roxann Ebarb
Secret Pals: Virginia Stranberg
Site Sales: Pat Davidson
Spring Retreat: Candace Alvarez, Charol Riedel, & Elizabeth Richmond
Sunshine: Ruth Reilly
T-Shirts Sales: Janey Aiken
Winter Retreat: Sandra Grace
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2001: Tone' Bowers, President
President: Toni Bowers
1st Vice President: Mary Gurtler
2nd Vice President: Kim Stotsenberg
Secretary: Joyce Larson
Treasurer: Rodie Burd
Angels: Carolyn Fessler
Library: Elizabeth Richmond
Mini Groups Liaison: Carol Sankovich & Dixie Kliewer
Newsletter Editor: Carole Taber
Quilt Show 2001: Dora Trotter & Sandy VanDePutte
Raffle Quilt 2002 Construction: Roxann Ebarb
T-Shirts Sales: Janey Aiken
Award Ribbons: Fabric Fans Mini-Groups
Charity Blocks: Pat Sternberg
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Jerry Kieta & Bernie Oehrling
Dolls/Animals: Judy Berendsen
Door Prizes: Carole Sankovitch
Featured Artist: Thelma Moyer
Hanging/Layout: Kim Stotsenberg
Hoffman Challenge: Jerry Kieta
Host/Hostess: Dorothy Lindquist
Lobby: Elsa Walsh & Marge McFarlin
Membership: Betty Adams
Program Advertising: Pat Davidson
Program Design: Carolyn Fessler
Program Printing: Elizabeth Richmond
Publicity - Flyers: Virginia Stranberg
Publicity - Newspapers: Pat Davidson
Quilt Registration: Vi Muzinich & Beck Harris
Quilt Show 2001: Dora Trotter & Sandy VanDePutte
Quilt Stand Pickup & Deliver: Pete Gaunce
Quilt Stand Setup: Dorothy Lindquist
Refreshments: Elizabeth Richmond & Nancy Lefcoski
Sheets/Laundry: Kim Stotsenberg
Treasure Chest: Georgia Ovestrud & Barbara Allen
Vendors: Nan Pickett
Wearable Art: Ann Long
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2000: CANDACE ALVAREZ, President
President: Candance Alvarez
1st Vice President: Sandra Grace
2nd Vice President: Elizabeth Richmond
Secretary: Carol Voss
Treasurer: Heather Holm
Block of the Month: Candace Alvarez
Challenge Quilt 2000: Joyce Lorezen & Marilyn Grayson
Charity Liaison: Ione Whitney
Charity Quilts: Dorothy Lindquist
Historian: (Unknown)
Hospitality: Mary Gurtler
Library: Elizabeth Richmond
Membership: Bernie Oehrling
New Member Packets: Ginny Hoffman
Mini-Groups Liaison: Sharon Larson
Newsletter Editor: Syndie Hagardt
Newsletter Mailing: Gloria Mitchell
Photographer: (Unknown)
Publicity: Sandra Grace
Quilt Show 2000: Dorothy Lindquist & Dora Trotter
Raffle Quilt 2001 Construction: Dixie Kliewer
Raffle Quilt Site Sales: (Unknown)
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Mary Gurtler
Refreshments: Roxann Ebarb
Secret Pals: Heather Holm
Spring Retreat: Heather Holm
Sunshine: Ruth Reilly
T-Shirt Sales: Kaye Frances
Award Ribbons: Joyce Lorenzen & Mary Gurtler
Ballots: Wava Wright
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Anne Newton & Rodie Burd
Dolls: Shirley Hendrickson & Judy Berendsen
Door Prizes: Carole Sankovich
Featured Artist: Dixie Kliewer
Hanging/Layout: Kim Stotensenberg, Sandra Hadley, & Dora Trotter
Hoffman Challenge Sponsor: Christina Phelps
Hoffman Quilts Hanging/Takedown: Mary Gurtler & Janey Aiken
Hostess: Pat Coleman
Lobby: Ruth Reilley
Program Design: Kaye Francis
Program Advertising Sales: Charol Riedel
Program Typeset/Printing: Elizabeth Richmond
Publicity Chairperson: Teri Emmons
Publicity-Flyers/Design: Virginia Stranberg & Elizabeth Richmond
Publicity-Mailing Labels: Virginia Stanberg
Publicity-Magazines: Lois Henson
Publicity-Newspaper: Teri Emmons
Publicity-Quilt Shops/Guilds: Dotti Goodwin
Quilt Description Labels: Vi Muzinich
Quilt Registration: Vi Muzinich
Quilt Show 2000: Dorothy Lindquist & Dora Trotter
Quilt Show Hanging Signs: Joyce Lorenzen
Quilt Show Indoor Sign: Debbie Baccetti
Quilt Show Logo Design: Thelma Moyer
Quilt Show Signs - Outdoor: Mimi Urrutia
Quilt Stand Pick-Up & Delivery: Raynor Perry & Pete Gaunce
Quilt Stand Set-Up: Dora Trotter
Refreshments/Kitchen: Elizabeth Richmond & Syndie Hagardt
Sheets for Quilt Stands: Roxanne Ebarb & Pieceful Patchers Mini-Group
Takedown Process: Charol Riedel
Theme Booth: Letha Goar
Treasurer: Evie Swope & Lois Henson
Vendors: Nan Pickett
Vendor Badges: Debbie Baccetti
Wearable Art: Carol Voss & Vilma Louie
WSQ Charity Quilt: Ione Whitney
WSQ Membership Table: Joyce Lorenzen & Sharon Sherwood
WSQ Raffle Quilt: Mary Gurtler
WSQ Treasure Chest: Barbara Allen
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1999: Candace Alvarez, President
President: Candace Alvarez
1st Vice President: Sandra Grace
2nd Vice President: Elizabeth Richmond
Secretary: Carol Voss
Treasurer: Heather Holm
April Retreat: Heather Holm & Sandra Grace
Block of the Month: Mimi Urritia
Charity Liaison: Ione Whitney
Education/Programs: Charol Riedel
Historian: Dana Masera
Hospitality: Ginny Hoffman
Library: Syndie Hagardt & Evie Swope
Locker: Syndie Hagardt
Membership: Candace Alvarez
Mini-Group Liaison: Sharon Larson
Newsletter Editor: Terri Emmons
Newsletter Mailing: Lois Henson
Phone Tree: Heather Holm
Photographer: Dana Masera
Quilt Show 1999: Jane Moxey
Raffle Quilt 1998 Construction: Sandra Grace
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Barbara Allen & Anne Newton
Refreshments: Janey Aiken
Sunshine: Peggy Berg
Ballots: Wava Wright
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Featured Artist: Karen Masters
Hanging/Layout Plan: Sandra Hadley & Bernie Oehrling
Hoffman Challenge: Christina Phelps of Christina's Heritage
Hoffman Quilts - Hanging/Take Down: Mary Gurtler & Lolly Sipes
Membership: Peggy Berg
Publicity: Dorothy Lindquist
Quilt Description Signs: Katheryn Francis & Rhona Wallace
Quilt Show 1998: Jane Moxey
Quilt Show Logo Design: Thelma Moyer
Quilt Registration: Joyce Lorenzen & Jerry Kieta
Treasure Chest: Pat Coleman & Barbara Allen
Vendors: Anita Owens
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1998: Joyce Lorenzen, President
President: Joyce Lorenzen
1st Vice President: Charol Reidel
2nd Vice President: Syndie Hagardt
Secretary: Gayle Larson
Treasurer: Polly Keith
Block of the Month: Mimi Urritia
Charity Liaison: Ione Whitney
Education/Programs: Charol Reidel
Historian/Photographer: Dana Masera
Hospitality: Ginny Hoffman
Library: Syndie Hagardt & Evie Swope
Locker: Syndie Hagardt
Membership: Candace Alvarez
Mini-Group Liaison: Sharon Larson
Newsletter Editor: Teri Emmons
Newsletter Mailings: Lois Henson
Phone Tree: Heather Holm
Publicity: Heather Holm
Quilt Show 1998: Jane Moxey
Raffle Quilt 1998 Construction: Sandra Grace
Raffle Quilt 1999 Construction: Pattie Burnette & Peggy Walther
Raffle Quilt Tickets: Barbara Allen & Anne Newton
Refreshments: Janey Aiken
Spring Retreat: Heather Holm & Sandra Grace
Sunshine: Peggy Berg
Awards/Ribbons: Thelma Moyer
Ballots: Wava Wright
Decorating: Thelma Moyer
Demonstrations: Sandra Grace
Dolls: Sharron Stevenson
Door Prizes: Anne Newton
Featured Artist: Lois Henson
Hanging/Layout Plan: Sandra Hadley, Jane Moxey, & Joyce Lorenzen
Hoffman Challenge: Christina Phelps of Christina's Heritage
Hoffman Quilts - Hanging/Take Down: Mary Gurtler & Lolly Sipes
Hostess: Mary Gurtler
Lobby: Vi Muzinich & Ruth Reilly
Membership: Candace Alvarez
Program Design & Typesetting: Kathy Cotey
Program Advertising Sales: Carol Shipman
Publicity: Barbara Allen, Ruth Reilley, & Vi Muzinich
Quilt Description Signs: Karen Horvath
Quilt Show 1998: Jane Moxey
Quilt Show Logo Design: Christina Kreuger
Quilt Registration: Candace Alvarez
Quilt Stand Pickup/Delivery: Pete Gaunce
Refreshments/Kitchen: charol Reidel
Sheets for Quilt Stands: Syndie Hagardt
T-Shirt Orders: Karen Horvath
Takedown: Jane Moxey
Treasure Chest: Pat Coleman
Vendors: Anita Owens & Joyce Lorenzen
Wearable Art: Sandra Grace
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1997: Mary Gurlter, President
President: Mary Gurtler
1st Vice-President: Jane Moxey
2nd Vice-President: Syndie Hagardt
Secretary: Pat Coleman
Treasurer: Polly Keith
Block of the Month: Barbara Allan
Budget & Finance: Executive Board
Christmas Party: (Unknown)
Historian: Ginny Hoffman
Library: Betty Wagner
Membership: Sharon Larson & Cheryl Gantz
- Belfair Block Builders
- Crazy Quilters
- Fabric Fans
- Loose Threads
- New Kids on the Block
- Patchwork
- Pin Pals
- Scrap Happy
- Seven Sisters
- Sew Crazy
- Strip Piecers
Phone Tree: Cheryl Gantz
Photographer: Ginny Hoffman
Raffle Quilt 1997: Susan Blake
Spring Retreat: Mary Gurtler
Awards: Marty Jackell
Ballots: Wava Wright
Breakdown/Cleanup: Dana Masera & Stan Boen
Charity Projects Display: Mary Lou Slaughter & Karen Vanos
Contests: Donna Holloway
Decorating: Eleanor Berg & Pat Bradburn
Demonstrations: Betty Wagner
Dolls: Shirley Hendrickson
Door Prizes: Anne Newton
Featured Artist: Dale & Lou DeLay
Flyers: Betty Hawkins
Hanging of Quilts: Janey Aiken
Hanging Sheets: Mary Gurtler
Hoffman Challenge Sponsor: Christina Phelps of Christina's Heritage
Hoffman Challenge Hanging & Takedown: Carole Shipman Indoor Signs: Lois Henson
Hostesses: Mimi Urrutia & Linda Hart
Magazines: Barbara Allen
Membership: Sharon Larson
Newspapers: Teri Emmons
Outdoor Signs: Mimi Urritia
Publicity: Vi Muzinich
Quilt Floor Plan: Janey Aiken & Dale DeLay
Quilt Show 1997: Jane Moxey & Joyce Lorenzen
Raffle Quilt: Lolly Sipes & Susan Blake
Refreshments/Kitchen: Syndie Hagardt & Lolly Sipes
Registration Chairs: Candace Alvarez & Judy Stephenson
Set-Up Chair: Janey Moxey
Show Program Chairs: Sandra Grace
Show Program-Advertising Sales: Susan Miller
Show Program-Printing: Cheryl Gantz
Show Program-Typesetting: Kathy Coty
Staffing Chairs: Mimi Urrutia & Linda Heart
Take Down: Ruth Reilly
Treasure Chest: Pat Coleman
Vendor Badges: Margaret Fowler
Vendors: Jane Moxey
Welcome Table: Vi Muzinich & Ruth Reilly
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1996: Janey Aiken, President
President: Janey Aiken
1st Vice-President: L
2nd Vice-President: Marty Jackel
Secretary: Jane Reynolds
Treasurer: Susan Blake
Auction: Virda Lawrence
Block of the Month: Mary Gurtler
Budget & Finance: Executive Board
Christmas Party: Pin Pals
Helpline Doll Quilts: Marilyn Grayson
Historian: Sonja Blanchard
Library: Marty Jackel
Membership: Dana Masera & Myra Sikes
- Belfair Block Builders
- Crazy Quilters
- Cutters
- Fabric Fans
- Loose Threads
- New Kids on the Block
- Patchwork
- Pin Pals
- Pineneedlers
- Scrap Happy
- Seven Sisters
- Sinclairs
- Stip Piecers
- Tri-Angles
Phone Tree: Teri Emmons
Photographer: Sonja Blanchard
Raffle Quilt 1996: Lou Delay
Raffle Quilt 1997: Susan Blake
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Spring Retreat: Janey Aiken
Winter Retreat: Janey Aiken
Award Ribbons: Carole Shippman
Building Contract: Mary Gurtler
Charity Booth: Mary Lou Slaughter
Decorating: Pat Bradburn & Eleanor Berg
Demonstrations: Margaret Fowler & Betty Wagner
Featured Artist: Marty Jackel
Hanging: Dale DeLay
Hoffman Challenge: Christina Phelps
Hostess: Lois Henson & Kathy Moen
Judges Booth: Diane Smith
Lobby: Alice Totten
Men/Kid Corner: Pattie Brunnett
Programs: Carol Tabor & Jane Moxey
Publicity: Mary Gurtler
Quilt Show 1996: Mary Gurtler, Sam Prescott, & Marty Jackel
Quilt Stands: Dale DeLay
Shuttles: Karen Masters
Signs: Dana Masera
Spool Contest: Mimi Urrutia & Raynor Perry
Refreshments: Myra Sipes
Registration: Janey Aiken
Vendor Badges: Peggy Walther
Vendor Liaison: Sam & Diane Smith
Wearable Art: Sandra Grace
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1995: Dianne Smith, President
President: Dianne Smith
1st Vice-President: Lou Delay
2nd Vice-President: Marty Jackel
Secretary: Jane Reynolds
Treasurer: Susan Blake
Block of the Month: Mary Gurtler
Budget & Finance: Executive Board
Christmas Party: Pin Pals
Helpline Doll Quilts: Marilyn Grayson
Historian: Sonja Blanchard
Library: Marty Jackel
Membership: Dana Masera & Myra Sikes
- Belfair Block Builders
- Crazy Quilters
- Cutters
- Fabric Fans
- Loose Threads
- New Kids on the Block
- Patchwork
- Pin Pals
- Pineneedlers
- Scrap Happy
- Seven Sisters
- Sinclairs
- Stip Piecers
- Tri-Angles
Phone Tree: Teri Emmons
Photographer: Sonja Blanchard
Raffle Quilt 1996: Lou Delay
Raffle Quilt 1997: Susan Blake
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Spring/Winter Retreats: Janey Aiken
Award Ribbons: Carole Shippman
Building Contract: Mary Gurtler
Charity Booth: Mary Lou Slaughter
Decorating: Pat Bradburn & Eleanor Berg
Demonstrations: Margaret Fowler & Betty Wagner
Hanging: Dale DeLay
Hoffman Challenge: Christina Phelps
Hostess: Lois Henson & Kathy Moen
Judges Booth: Diane Smith
Lobby: Alice Totten
Men/Kid Corner: Pattie Brunnett
Programs: Carol Tabor & Jane Moxey
Publicity: Mary Gurtler
Quilt Show: Mary Gurtler, Sam Prescott, & Marty Jackel
Quilt Stands: Dale DeLay
Shuttles: Karen Masters
Signs: Dana Masera
Spool Contest: Mimi Urrutia & Raynor Perry
Refreshments: Myra Sipes
Registration: Janey Aiken
Vendor Badges: Peggy Walther
Vendor Liaison: Sam & Diane Smith
Wearable Art: Sandra Grace
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1994: Diane Smith, President
President: Diane Smith
1st Vice-President: Sam Prescott
2nd Vice-President: (Unknown)
Secretary: Sandy Schmidt
Treasurer: (Unknown)
Auction: Judy Stephenson & Dale DeLay
Challenge: Sandy Schmidt & Nancy Neill
Christmas Hostess: Peggy Bendush
Greeter: Pam Heinrich
Historian: Ann Fickle
Hospitality: Kathy Benson
Library: Susan Hummell
Membership: Judy Stephenson
- Belfair Block Builders
- Crazy Quilters
- Cutters
- Patchworkers
- Pin Pals
- Pineneedlers
- Sinclair Quilters
- Strip Piecers
Nominations: Sharon Larson
Quilt Raffle 1994: Nancy Neill
Quilt Raffle 1996: Marty Jackel
Spring Retreat: Marty Jackel
Sunshine: Betty Carter & Joan Hird
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1993: Mary-Lou Slaughter, President
President: Mary-Lou Slaughter
1st Vice President: Sharon Larson
2nd Vice President: Susan Hummell
Secretary: Raynor Perry
Treasurer: Kay Schippmann
Doll Quilts: Freda Peden
Guild Fabric: Deborah Johnsen
Historian: Ann Fickle
Hospitality: Phyllis VanBuskirk
Hostess: Kristie Wojtuiak
Library: Susan Hummell
Membership: Anita Owen
Mini-Groups & Liaisons:
- Belfair: Sandra Grace
- Crazy Quilters: Nancy Neill
- Cutters: Kathy Benson
- Patchwork: Marty Jackel
- Pin Pals: Dana Massera
- Pine Needlers: Verna Neill
- Sinclair Quilters: Dana Harmon-Phillips
- Strip Piecers: Judy Stephenson
Nominating: Marilyn Grayson
Publicity: Susan Skinner
Quilt Show: Virda Lawrence
Raffle Quilt 1993: Nancy Neill
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Spring Retreat: Raynor Perry
Sunshine: Sharon Ortiz
Tipster: Sunbonnet Suzy
Winter Retreat: Lou DeLay
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1992: Sharon Larson, President
President: Sharon Larson
1st Vice-President: Linda Bragg
2nd Vice-President: Susan Hummell
Secretary: Pam Heinrich
Treasurer: Alice Totten
Angel: Anita Owens
Challenge Quilt: Anita Owens & Ann Mooyman
Christmas Party: Lisa Ringsby
Greeter: Doris Hughes
Guilt Auction: Margaret Fowler
Historian: Ann Fickle
Hospitality: Pam Heinrich
Library: Susan Hummell
Membership: Anita Owens
Newsletter Editor: Lou DeLay
Nominations: Freda Peden
Publicity: Rebecca Bragg
Quilt Show 1992: Sharon Johnson
Raffle Quilt 1994 Construction: Nancy Neill
Spring Retreat: Anita Owens
Sunshine: Sharon Ortiz
T-Shirts: Nancy Neill
Boutique: Ruth Milbrot
Catalog: Lu Storm
Cleanup: Kristie Wojutuniak
Demonstration: Kristie Wojutuniak
Display: MaryLou Slaughter
Facilities: Freda Peden & Linda Bragg
Hanging: Lu Storm
Hostess: Sharon Ortiz & Ione Whitney
Insurance: Susan Skinner
Kitchen: Betty Carter & Rebecca Bragg
Lobby: Alice Totten
Publicity: Sally Coleman & Sharon Larson
Registration: Margaret Fowler & Marty Jackel
Security: Susan Skinner
Vendors: Linda Bragg
Work Schedule: Sharon Ortiz & Ione Whitney
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1991: Marilyn Grayson, President
President: Marilyn Grayson
1st Vice President: Diana Wasson
2nd Vice President: Sharon Johnson
Secretary: Peggy Bendush
Treasurer: Alice Totten
Angel: Anita Owen
Christmas Party: Lisa Ringsby
Greeter: Doris Hughes
Guild Inventory: Marilyn Grayson
Guilt Auction: Margaret Fowler
Helpline Doll Quilt: Freda Peden
Historian: Ann Fickle
Hospitality; Pam Heinrich
Logo Boutique: Nancy Neill
- Crazy Quilters
- Patchwork Quilters
- Pine Needlers
- Sinclair Quilters
Nominations: Freda Peden
Picnic: Sharon Ortiz
Quilt Retreat: Linda Bragg
Raffle Quilt (1992): Lu Storm
Raffle Quilt (1994): Nancy Neill
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Sunshine: Sharon Ortiz
Boutique: Ruth Milbrot
Catalog: Lu Storm
Cleanup: Kristie Wojutuniak
Demonstration: Kristi Wojutuniak
Display: Mary Lou Slaughter
Entry/Registration: Margaret Fowler & Marty Jackel
Facilities: Freda Peden & Linda Bragg
Hanging: Lu Storm
Hostess/Work: Sharon Ortiz & Ione Whitney
Kitchen: Betty Carter & Rebecca Bragg
Lobby: Alice Totten
Publicity: Sally Coleman & Sharon Larson
Quilt Show: Virda Lawrence & Sharon Johnson
Security: Susan Skinner
Vendors: Linda Bragg
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1990: Freda Peden, President
President: Freda Peden
1st Vice President: Diana Wasson
2nd Vice President: Sharon Johnson
Secretary: Peggy Bendush
Treasurer: Peggy Hartung
Auction: Alice Totten
Christmas Party: Nancy Neill
Community Service: Nancy Neill
Directory: Sharon Johnson
Field Trips: Dianna Clark
Greeter: Anita Owen
Helpline Doll Blankets: Ann Mooyman
Historian: Marilyn Grayson & Marci Velasco
Hospitality: Raynor Perry
Library: Susan Erland
Membership: Sandy Schmidt
Mini-Groups & Liaisons:
* Crazy Quilters: Ann Mooyman
* Friendship Quilters: Freda Peen
* Sinclair Quilters: Dana Harmon-Phillips
* Whirlwinds: Alice Totten
Newsletter Editor: Lou DeLay
Nominating: Virda Lawrence
Phone Tree: Helen Asche, Vivian Blackburn, Sharon Ortiz, & Jane Wood
Photographer: Marilyn Grayson & Marci Velasco
Picnic Coordinator: Sharon Ortiz
Raffle Quilt (1990) Construction: Becky Merrill
Raffle Quilt (1991) Construction: Lu Storm
Raffle Quilt (1992) Construction: Lu Storm
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Sunshine: Sharon Ortiz
Tipster: Sunbonnet Suzy
Boutique: Marilyn Grayson
Café: Ann Mooyman
Décor: Debbie Cole
Demonstrations: Susan Hummell
Entry: Alice Totten
Featured Artist: (Unknown)
Flyers: Sandy Schmidt
Hanging: Sharon Larson & Joan Hird
Merchant Mall: Dana Harmon-Phillips & Kay Austin
Program: Freda Peden
Publicity: Ann Mooyman & Nadine Hamby
Quilt Show 1990: Margaret Painter
Show Book: Sandy Schmidt
Tickets: Peggy Bendush
Treasurer: Peggy Hartung
Volunteer Work: Sharon Ortiz
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1989: Virda Lawrence, President
P.O.Q.G. Newsletter is now called Sound Fabrications
President: Virda Lawrence
1st Vice President: Jen Shurtliff
2nd Vice President: Susan Erland
Secretary: Doris Hamby
Treasurer: Tauusha Perado
Banner: Nancy Douglas
Budget/Finance: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Greeter: Debbie Cole
Helpline Doll Quilts: Ann Mooyman
Historian: Gerry Harmom
Hospitality: Sharon Ortiz
Library: Susan Erland
Membership: Ruth Richardson
Mini-Groups Liaisons:
* Crazy Quilters: Nancy Sandberg
* Sinclair Inlet Quilters: Gerry Harmon
* Whirlwind Quilters: Virda Lawrence
Newsletter Editor: Virda Lawrence
Nominating: Kay Austin
Phone Tree: Peggy Bendush
Photographer: Don Lawrence
Publicity: Ann Mooyman
Quilt Show: Gerene Simmons & Sharon Larson
Raffle Quilt 1989 Construction: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Raffle Quilt 1990 Construction: Rebecca Merrill
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Fran Jeffers & Dana Harmon-Phillips
Sharing Basket: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Sunshine: Judi Helms & Vivian Blackburn
Sound Fabrications: Charlyn Eddy
Tipster: Sunbonnet Suzy
Banquet/Fashion: Gerene Simmons & Rebecca Merrill
Catalogue: Gerene Simmons & Sharon Johnson
Entry Committee: Sharon Larson & Margaret Painter
Featured Artist: Margaret Fowler
Guild Banner: Nancy Douglas
Hospitality: Sharon Larson & Sharon Ortiz
Hostess: Sharon Larson
Information/Tours: Sharon Larson & Charlyn Eddy
Judges Hospitality: Gerene Simmons
Logo: Nadine Hamby
Merchant Mall: Sharon Larson & Dana Harmon-Phillips
Photographer: Gerene Simmons
Publicity: Sharon Larson & Don Lawrence
Registration: Sharon Larson
Quilt Show 1989: Gerene Simmons & Sharon Larson
Show Education: Gerene Simmons
Show Treasurer: Sharon Larson
Tour & Information: Charlyn Eddy
Workshops: Becky Merrill, Virda Lawrence, & Lori Williams
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1988: Dana Harmon-Phillips, President
President: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Vice President: (Unknown)
Secretary: Sharon Larson
Treasurer: Pat Okrassa
Ad Hoc: Nancy Douglas
Advertising: Sharon Johnson
Block of the Month: Nancy Douglas
Budget: Virda Lawrence
Christmas Party: Marilyn Franz & Sharon Ortiz
Guild Banner: Nancy Sandberg
Happenings: Carolyn Miller
Helpline Christmas Doll: Ann Mooyman
Historian: Nancy Douglas
Hospitality: Sharon Ortiz
Library: Gerry Harmon
Membership: Doris Hughes
Mini-Groups Liaisons:
* Cabin Quilters: Nancy Douglas
* Crazy Quilters: Doris Hamby
* Friendship Quilters: Carolyn
* Sinclair Quilters: Susan Hummell
* Time Square Quilters: Randi Cox
* Whirlwind Quilters: Gerene Simmons
Newsletter Editor: Virda Lawrence
Nominating: Nancy Douglas
Photographer: Don Lawrence
Publicity: (Open)
Raffle Quilt 1988 Construction: Nancy Sandberg
Raffle Quilt 1989 Construction: Dana Harmon-Phillips
Sharing Basket: Sharon Larson
Sunshine: Ruth Richardson
Tipster: Sunbonnet Suzy
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1987: Jane Wood, President
President: Jane Wood
Vice President: Dana Harmon
Secretary: Sharon Larson
Treasurer: Pat Okrassa
Ad Hoc: Nancy Douglas
Christmas Party: Sharon Larson
Historian: Nancy Douglas
Membership: Fran Jeffers
Mini-Groups Liaisons:
* Cabin Quilters: Nancy Douglas
* Crazy Quilters: Doris Hamby
* Times Square: Randi Cox
* Sinclair Inlet: Dana Harmon-Phillips & Susan Hummell
* Whirlwind Quilters: Gerene Simmons
Newsletter Editor: Fran Jeffers
Raffle Quilt 1987 Construction: Whirlwind Quilters
Raffle Quilt 1988 Construction: Crazy Quilters
Raffle Quilt 1989 Construction: Whirlwind Quilters
Raffle Ticket Sales: Fran Jeffers
Advertising: Sharon Larson
Boutique: Betty Cummins
Quilt Show: Julie Cotes & Fran Jeffers
Security: Steve Erland
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1985-1986: Gerene Simmons, President
Port Orchard Quilters Guild ( P.O.Q.G.) was formally organized on September 18, 1985.
First meeting was held on August and formally organized on Sept 18th, 1985.
P.O.Q.G.became a Charter Member #335 of the National Quilting Association on Feb 27, 1986.
President: Gerene Simmons
Vice President: Fran Jeffers
Secretary/Treasurer: Jane Wood
Christmas Party: Sharon Larson
Helpline Doll Quilts: Peggy Caldon
Historian: Nancy Douglas
Mini-Groups Liaisons:
* Cabin Quilters: Virda Lawrence
* Crazy Quilters: Jane Wood
* Whirlwind Quilters: Helen Asche
Newsletter Editor: Fran Jeffers
Program Chairman: Helen Asche
Quilt Raffle 1987: Whirlwinds Quilters
Raffle Ticket Sales: Fran Jeffers
Winner of the Mariner's Compass Logo Contest: Nancy Sandberg
Chairmen: Gerene Simmons, Jane Wood, & Fran Jeffers
Demonstrationss: Virda Lawrence
Fliers: Virda Lawrence
Program: Hellen Waller
Publicity: Sharon Larson & Bernadette Loeb
Quilt Take Down: All Members
Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Fran Jeffers
Signs: Virda Lawrence